Communicate different expectations, rules, and concepts with students without coming off as mean or overbearing.
Creating Internet Memes
Step 1
Make learning relevant
What is Positive Learning Evironment
A positive learning environment is created when you value participatory teaching and learning and when there is trust and rapport among students and between yourself and students.
An approach based in belief that students are able to correct their own misbehavior.
The Self-Discipline Approach
Keep the focus of the first day of school on establishing relationships and building a sense of community within your classroom.
Start with Relationships
Always Respond with Positivity
Step 6
How to build a positive learning environment?
Allow them to express themselves, concerns, feelings, participate and take risks.
The teacher is responsible for students' misbehavior.
The Desist Approach
Each day find something good in each student and point it out to them.
Focus on the Positive
Help Students Develop Intrinsic Motivation
Step 4
Give at least 3 characteristics of positive learning environment.
Students feel physically and emotionally safe.
Students have ownership and input related to class structure and expectations
Students know that they are valued and respected.
All students are challenged to achieve high expectations and receive support.
Assertive Discipline