Common Expressions
Main Idea
Indirect Requests

How will I ever decide? Look at all the different kinds. There are red hots, chocolates, candy corn, gummy worms, and more. Boy, this is my favorite place in the mall.

Where am I?

Candy store


I didn’t have much time before practice, so I decided to take a cat nap.

What does cap nap mean?

a short nap


Mike loves to go sledding. After the first big snow of winter, he grabs his sled and heads outside, sledding down the hill as fast as he can. Mike is sledding very fast when he notices that his cousin Amy is walking near the bottom of the hill. He is headed right for her!

What is this passage about? What is the main idea?

Mike going sledding.


Everyone had just sat down to eat. When mom brought over the mashed potatoes and sat down she looks over at her son and says: "Oh no, I forgot the water."

What do you think the mother wanted her son to do?

Get the water.


I have two wheels.

I have handlebars.

I have an engine.

What am I?



I am feeling a bit under the weather.

What does this mean?

feeling sick

Soccer is known in some countries as football. It is popular sport across the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport. It is estimated that over 250 million people, both men and women, play soccer. The sport has been part of the Olympic games from 1900 to 1928 and from 1936 to today.

What is the main idea?

Soccer is played and well known all over the world.


Dad turned to his daughter and said "if you keep speeding in the car, you will get hurt." What do you think the Dad wants?

For his daughter to stop speeding in the car.

I run on electricity.

You put soap in me.

I clean your clothes.

What am I?

Washing machine


He has his head in the clouds during class.

What does this mean?

to be daydreaming/lacking concentration


My dog is named Lucky. Lucky can do lots of tricks. She knows how to sit and lie down when I tell her to. Lucky also can roll over! Another thing Lucky can do is shake her paw to say hello to people. Lucky is the best dog in the world. 

What is the main idea?

Lucky can do lots of cool tricks

Jenny and Micayla were hanging out after school playing cards. Her little brother would not leave her alone. After a few minutes of ignoring the brother, she says to him, "don't you have somewhere else to be?"

What did she really mean?

She wanted her little brother to leave them alone.


Sammy couldn’t make a decision at the store. He wanted a dog, but his mom said that dogs are too much work. Sammy didn’t like hamsters and he already had a fish that he had won at the carnival. “Okay, I’ve made my decision,” Sammy told his mom. “I want that little orange one that’s licking his paw. Now all we need is a litter box and some toys. I can’t wait to tell all of my friends!”

What kind of pet did Sammy decide to get?

a cat

She is a teacher's pet.

What does this mean?

a person who is considered the teacher's favorite. This can be in a positive and negative way depending on context


Peter’s parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He’s also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter’s furry dog is not allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules.

What is the main idea?

Peter's parents implemented new rules because of the new carpet


Toby was watching a movie with his little brother Marcus. Toby looks over to see the clock says almost 11:30pm. Toby begins to yawn and exclaims, "boy, it sure is getting late." What do you think Toby wanted to do?

go to sleep and stop watching the movie.


I have bright, flashing lights and

a siren.

People use me in emergencies.

I pull over people who speed.

What am I?

Police car


They are two pees in a pod.

Two people who are always together, get along well.


Darnell takes his friend Hudson sledding. Darnell loves to sled, and has been many times before. Hudson has never been sledding before, he is terrified. He loses his coat in the wind as they fly down the hill. Darnell cannot see what is going on behind him, and it is hard to hear with the wind rushing by. Hudson wants to slow down, and to get his coat, but Darnell can't hear him.

What is the main idea?

Darnell takes Hudson sledding for the first time and almost crash


Andrea just received news that she has an extra ticket to go to an amusement park. She is so excited for all the rollercoasters, plus she gets to bring someone. Her friend overhears the news and says "Wow, that sounds like a blast, and I really love rollercoasters!" What do you think her friend wanted?

To be invited to go to the amusement park
