which skill do you need only a walker
Ambulation with walker
which skill do you need a washcloth to place on the floor?
Isolation gown and gloves and empty urinary bag with handwashing
When do you put your gloves on during the bedpan and output with handwashing skill?
before positioning the resident on the bedpan safely and correctly
You walk in the room and see the resident is laying on his stomach with his head to the right side and his left arm is in abduction position, what position is his body in?
Name the 4 skills you will complete handwashing for yourself after the task
Perineal care
isolation gown and gloves and empty urinary bag with hand washing
catheter care for a male with handwashing
bedpan and output with handwashing
which skill do you need a 4-6 washcloths, bath blanket, basin, soap and 1-2 towels
catheter care for a male with hand washing
Which skill do you need a chair for yourself to complete?
Feeding a dependent resident
When completing the skill with the isolation gown and gloves with empty urinary bag, do you remove your goves before or after your removing your gown?
Before removing your gown
When feeding your female resident, she is laying on her preferred side. What position is the correct position she should be in and for how long?
She should be in an upright position at least 45 degrees and should remain in this position for at least 30 minutes after feeding
Name the 3 surfaces to be cleaned during mouth care with or without dentures
Chewing surfaces
what supplies do you need for denture care?
washcloth - barrier, dentures, denture cup, denture brush, denture cleaner, basin
which 2 skills have no supplies to gather?
ROM hip and knee, ROM shoulder
When brushing your resident's teeth you will put your gloves on before or after you gather supplies and prepare the area?
after supplies have been gathered and preparing the area
What position should the CNA be in while feeding the dependent resident some peas and carrots?
in a chair, facing the resident
which 3 area must you fill out when documenting your findings on your square form?
Your name
your findings (numbers)
Your signature
which skill will you need a button up shirt?
Dressing a dependent resident
Which skill only needs the square form to document your findings?
Vital Signs - pulse and respirations
Mouth care of a comatose resident.
PUt on gloves only _____ supplies have been gathered and preparing the area
When performing mouthcare for your comatose resident, what position should his body be in? what about his head?
resident should be in a semi-fowlers position with his head turned well to one side (toward you) OR position the resident on their side as appropriate to avoid choking or aspiration. (side positioning is in a lateral position)
What unit of measurement do you use to measure urine in a graduate
which skill do you leave your resident sitting up for 30 minutes
feeding a dependent resident
What skill do you need to gather a new gown with your other supplies to complete the skill?
Bed bath (partial)
Feeding a dependent resident.
Provide hand hygiene for the resident _____ feeding.
Ensure the resident's hands are dry ______ feeding.
During range of motion exercises, what are the 4 positions you will move their parts (knee, shoulder, and/or hip)?
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
Grover asked for papaya juice and it is orange in color. You gave him the orange papaya juice in an 8oz cup and he only drank about 3 ounces. How would you record this on your documentation form?
Glass 1: 90 milliliters