Netflix's delivery method before streaming
A Greek philosopher, the student of Plato, and tutor of Alexander the Great
An item in Greek mythology that, if opened, will release all the world's evils
Pandora's Box
"The Big Board" located on Wall St.
New York Stock Exhange
The Nile
The Duffer bros. series
Stranger Things
Known for teaching others through questioning, one of his students was Plato
When someone is faced with two undesirable choices, named after a novel
The 30-stock index considered the barometer of the U.S. market
Dow Jones
It separates Saudi Arabia from Africa
The Red Sea
Originally on YouTube, this Karate series was picked up by Netflix for season 3
Cobra Kai
He wrote "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."
Friedrich Nietzsche
A phrase which means to split the bill
"Go Dutch"
A flower that became a hot commodity in the 17th century, creating the first recorded market bubble
A manmade waterway, mostly used for transportation and irrigation
It's the first-ever Netflix original series
House of Cards
A French existentialist who coined the phrase "Existence precedes essence"
Jean-Paul Sarte
A snack in Amsterdam that shares it's name with a disappointed emotion
It's abbreviation is S&P 500
Standard and Poor's 500
The largest surface-area lake in the world
Lake Superior
Jenji Kohan's series following Weeds
Orange is the New Black
An ancient Greek philosophy that teaches self-control and fortitude to overcome destructive emotions.
To inadvertently bring bad luck by mentioning a positive outcome or expectation
When two consecutive quarters of loss in the GDP occur
A triangular area found at the mouth of a river, formed by the deposition of sediment.