Show me where you find your full introduction
Chatter Blast
What article is your into found in?
Who will be your nesting TL
Can you close a minor account without the organizer on the line?
Name the Ops
Timopher x1
Laura x2
Achic x3
Show me the first advise statement for a Restricted account> User has too many personalized surfs> Cure None
"Your account is restricted due to..."
What article is for P2Ps
Send and Receive
What does your QA have to be in order to graduate Nesting
50% or higher
What are the 6 requirements to setup ACFS
minor: $0 bal, 0 pending transactions, organizer on line
org: 18+, has a compatible apple device, and active and personalized
What does AHT mean?
Average Handle Time
Show me the first step you do for an account Restricted> Abuse Behavior> cure None
Select status history and review when account status and reason were placed on the account
Customer calls in to report and unauthorized merchant transaction. Name 2 articles you may have to use for this issue (depending on transaction's status)
Pending and Posted Transactions
What does PII stand for
Personally Identifiable Information
Can a minor's parent call and close a minor's account without their permission
Yes, as long as they can verify and are eligible for ACFS
What is the official QA score to beat the last Nesting class
Show me the first advise statement when customer calls in to create a dispute for an unauthorized merchant transaction. Account is active and Personalized.
Hint- Posted merchant transaction
Dispute case will be submitted and account will be locked to request for additional verification
What site is used to view ID photos
Hint: Restricted> Failed ID Validation> Cure None
Flex Web
What info can you give to T2 that you cannot give to support and why?
Everything. Support can only be given general info
Stand alone minor calls in to file a dispute, can they? Why or why not?
No, their acct was made against the T&C and is unable to be active and personalized
Customer advises they are recording the call, what is the policy?
Ask to stop and if they continue release the call
Show me what "radio button" answers would be selected if a customer calls in regarding a P2P transaction where customer did not receive their goods or services
Yes it was authorized
Yes it was a scam
What article shows the SLA for a Bank Transfer
Transfer to bank and Clawback
Posted Transactions
What is the SLA for an SI case
2 business days or less
Mock Call: Setup ACFS
Restricted Stand alone minor calls in
Restricted> Failed KYC> cure none
as article says
What does occupancy mean in relation to our job?
You are in the aux/ where you are suppose to be when you are suppose to be. AKA schedule adherence