Why is the 1st Day of the Week called “Domingo” in Spanish and Portuguese, “Dominica” in Italian, and “Dimanche” in French?
These words literally mean “The Lord’s Day.”
When is All Saints Day?
November 1
The New Testament is said to have been written by 8 men. Obviously 4 are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Name 2 of the other 4
Peter, Paul, James, and Jude
What are the last words spoken by the priest in the Latin Mass? And what is the congregational Response?
Ite, Missa Est. Deo Gratias.
To what religious Order did John Carroll, the first American Bishop belong?
The Society of Jesus
what title is the Catholic response to the Reformation usually known?
The Counter Reformation
Who famously said “Our hearts are restless, O Lord, until they rest in you”?
St Augustine
Which Gospel writers were NOT Apostles of Jesus?
Mark and Luke
What is the play on words made of the Latin name for the Dominican Order: Dominicanes
It is split between the 2nd i and the c to become “domini canes” or “dogs of the Lord.”
The “Hawthorne Dominicans,” a Massachusetts Congregation of sisters who care for cancer patients, was founded by the daughter of what famous American novelist, whose most famous work is The Scarlet Letter?
Nathaniel Hawthorne
How many secrets were given by Our Lady at Fatima?
This Saint was known as a great preacher, and the vocal chords are still incorrupt today.
St Anthony
Who is generally thought ot have written the first 5 books of the Old Testament?
What is the english translation of this Latin phrase ”benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus”?
"Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus"
Why is Mother Theresa considered an American Saint?
She was made an honorary US Citizen by Congress in 1996
What is the english translation of this Latin phrase ”benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus”?
“Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”
St Helena discovered the True Cross by..
bringing a very sick woman in and touched her with all of them
How many missionary journeys did St. Paul undertake?
Name the 4 Branches of the “Dominican Family”
Friars, Nuns. Active Sisters, and Dominican Laity
Fr. Bart’s Classmate, Bishop Stephen Maekawa, is Bishop of the largest diocese in the United States by land area. What is that Diocese?
Fairbanks, Alaska
What is the name of the second pope?
Pope Linus
Who was the first martyr
St Stephen
On what island were St. Paul shipwrecked?
What Dominican is the “1st Saint of the New World”? (New World=Western Hemisphere= the Americas)
St Rose of Lima
Which of the 13 American Colonies was founded by an English Catholic Family, the Calverts, and was known as the “Catholic Colony” and is sometimes erroneous thought to have been names for the Blessed Virgin?
Maryland – it was actually named for Queen Mary, wife of King Charles I. The First settlement in the colony was ‘St. Mary’s City” and WAS named after the Blessed Mother