Marry eats 1 cupcake every day for February on a leap year how many cupcakes does Marry have in all.
29 cupcakes
what is the biggest country in the word by size
what does the sane tomato tamato potato pototo
the same meaning
im smooth and i shine sometimes I wine im big and im blue im bigger than you
blue whale
what does the word sanitary
it means clean
there are 40 bags but the 2 people only want to take one trip so how many bags would both people hold
20 bags
what state is the biggest in the USA?
what plant grows coconuts?
palm trees
I'm light and I'm small I don't make noise at all what am I.
Christmas lights
onomatopoeia means
a noise something makes like the dog goes "woof".
the puzzle has 500 pieces it took 3 hours for 200 pieces but then it took 4 hours to get the other three hundred pieces how many hours did it take to finish the puzzle
7 hours
Saint Patrick's day is here where was this holiday invented
French fries are made by potato how would they make waffle fries
they get cut like a waffle pattern.
I'm a bird and I don't have fur I'm pink and I stand on 2 legs and I have a small head.
the definition of lucky
good things happen to you
the farmer had 14 chickens he wants to put the 7 chickens in a different stall how many groups of chickens would there be
2 groups of chickens
how many countries are in Europe
27 countries
what is the biggest jungle in the world
Amazon Rainforest
I'm a writing tool you need me sharp I'm always wood you can break me apart.
a pencil.
pain is
something that hurts for a while
100 + 200 +300 + 400 =
what continent has the most countries?
raw meat and raw egg gives you
I am everything, and everyone I could be a noun I could be a verb I could be an adjective i could be a word.
a name
what do good drugs do to your body
they kill the germ that causes a problem