
How many minutes are in one hour?



Read the story and answer the question.

Brandon lived with his mother at one end of the forest. His school was at the other end of the forest. Every day he had to go through the forest to get to school and the forest was very scary.

One day he told his mother that he felt very scared to cross that forest. His mother said, “Don’t be scared,” “Your brother lives in the forest.”

“Whenever you get scared, you can always call him.” “He won’t answer you but he will see that no harm comes to you.” Brandon said, “Why did you not tell me about my brother earlier?” “What is his name?” His mother said, “His name is, Courage.” “Whenever you get frightened, call his name, and he will silently follow you to school and see that you come back home safely.”

Where did Brandon live?

at the end of the forest


What is a noun (3)?

A person,place,or thing (idea)


Which word is misspelled?

a. hiker

b. driver

c. writer

d. ridder

d. ridder --> rider


What type of Pokemon is Charmander?

a. Water

b. Psychic

c. Fire

c. Fire





Read the story and answer the question.

The famous Greek storyteller, Aesop, told two fables in which a fox was the main character. In one, the hungry fox wants the tasty piece of cheese that a crow is eating in the branch high above him. The fox tells the crow that she is very beautiful. He tells her that he wonders whether her voice is as beautiful as her outward appearance. When the crow shows off her voice with a loud caw, the cheese falls out of her beak, and the fox eats it.

In the other fable, the hungry fox is trying to get a bunch of grapes that hang high above his head. No matter how he tries, he can’t reach the grapes. “Oh, well,” says the fox as he walks away. “They were probably sour anyway.”

Based on these two stories, what kind of character did Aesop think a fox was?

a. foolish

b. smart

c. nice

d. cruel

b. smart


What is an adjective?

A word that describes a noun

Find the misspelled word.

a. ostrich

b. vehicel

c. wings

d. horse

b. vehicel --> vehicle


This Pokemon has a flame on its tail, and if it goes out, it won't survive. It is orange and is known as a lizard Pokemon. Who's that Pokemon>

a. Chimchar

b. Treeko

c. Charmander

c. Charmander




Just as he trumpeted, he heard a loud crashing and stamping. A herd of wrinkled elephants came charging up.

What is the meaning of the word "charging up’’ in the above sentence?

a. walked away

b. walked slowly forward

c. came up to dance

d. rushed forward to attack

d. rushed forward to attack


Which two verb tenses are used in the below sentence?

I walk. I walked.

present, past


Which word is misspelled?

a. middel

b. example

c. whistle

d. simple

a. middel --> middle


What type of Pokemon is Squirtle?

a. fire

b. water

c. grass

d. ghost

b. water





An astronomer used to go out every night to observe stars. Often, he would be seen with a telescope in one hand and a notebook in the other. One evening, while he wandered through the suburbs with his attention fixed on the sky, he accidentally fell into a deep uncovered well. He cried out loudly for help. As he waited to be rescued, he moaned and howled about his sores and bruises. His neighbor was passing by and happened to hear his wailing and weeping. He quickly helped him out of the well.

Who is telling the story?

a. someone outside the story

b. the astronomer

c. the neighbor

a. someone outside the story


Although I usually run in the evening, I decided to go in the morning because of the weather. It has been so hot this summer; so hot in fact, that I cannot run in the evening. Therefore, until we have cooler weather I will continue to enjoy a morning run.

What tense are the verbs in the paragraph?



Which word is spelled correctly?

a. hitchiker

b. granddaughter

c. naturaly

d. mispelled

b. granddaughter


This was Ash's first Pokemon, and it always sits on his shoulder. It is an electric type, and known as an electric mouse Pokemon. Who's that Pokemon?

a. Raichu

b. Pikachu

c. Rattata

b. Pikachu


Which fraction is bigger 2/4 or 1/2?                              Hint: Draw a circle for each fraction.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

They're equal!


              Good Manners Can Help You

Good manners can be seen at home, at school, on the playground, and at the dining table where we eat our meals. A well mannered person is polite and gentle when talking.Everyone likes a person who is polite and good mannered. Good manners are always liked by everyone and after can bring good rewards.Therefore, we should always remember to do what is right.All that is wrong displeases everyone. Therefore, we should not do what is wrong. Often, we will be rewarded for our good actions.Children who consistently come late to school are not dependable. It is difficult to provide important work for them. These children could even lose some friends.All of us make mistakes. When we make a mistake, we do not like to be punished. We like to be forgiven. Therefore, we, too, should forgive the mistakes of others. Forgiveness is a great virtue.It is easy to make a mistake, but it is not easy to forget that mistake. When we make a mistake, we should feel sorry about it. We also apologize to the person whom we have hurt.We should not cheat on an examination. Cheating always does more harm than good. We can choose out friends wisely.

What part of this selection gives the reader a clue to know what they will be reading about?

a. the conclusion sentence

b. the heading

c. the topic sentence

c. the topic sentence


Read the sentence below. What type of word is the word angrily? 

The bear was growling angrily



Tara asked her partner, "Could you please _______ your question to make it easier to understand?

Choose the correctly spelled word that best completes the sentence.

a. clearify

b. clerify

c. carefully

d. clarify

d. clarify


Name the last "Pokemon" in the evolution stage of Pichu - Pikachu - ? 

a. Raichuna

b. Pikachuni

c. Raichu

c. Raichu
