What 2 substances could you die from the withdraw?
Heroin and Alcohol
"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable." What step is this?
What's the purpose of a relapse prevention plan?
What helps you calm down and gets more air to your lungs?
Deep Breathing
When you mix Red and Blue together, what color do you get?
What does CBT stand for and what are the 3 components?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors
What does unmanageable mean?
not manageable : difficult or impossible to control or manage
What does ACE's stand for?
Adverse Childhood Events
What is a trigger?
any word, person, event, or experience that causes an immediate emotional reaction.
What's a game you can play to learn about financial literacy?
Name 3 types of cognitive distortions.
all or nothing thinking, filtering, personalizing, mind reading, catastrophizing, overgeneralizing, emotional reasoning, labeling, should statements, magical thinking, jumping to conclusions, fortune telling, magnification and minimization.
Describe the difference between meaning and purpose.
Meaning: Meaning refers to what is meant or conveyed by an action, word or concept.
Purpose: Purpose refers to reason for which something is done.
What are the stages of relapse?
Emotional, Mental, Physical
What are the 3 roots of conflict?
Misunderstandings, disagreements, personality differences
A square containing a circle, and the entire design is symmetrical and balanced.
What are some benefits of writing our your life story?
adds to our self awareness, it allows someone to look at their life from different perspectives...
What is step 2 of the 12 steps?
"Come to believe that a Higher Power can help us overcome our weaknesses and restore our sanity"
Name one of the 5 A's.
Acceptance, attention, appreciation, affection, and allowing
What are the 4 types of conflict?
What is the purpose of a vision board?
help visualize goals, success, helps keep you motivated...
What does DBT stand for and what are the 3 different minds?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Wise Mind, Emotional Mind, Reasonable Mind
What is the difference between spirituality and religion?
Religion is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose
What are the stages of change?
pre-contemplation, contemplation, planning, action, maintance
Name 2 myths of anger.
Myth #1: The Behavioral Expression of Anger Is Fixed and Cannot Be Changed.
Myth #2: Anger Automatically Leads to Aggression.
Myth #3: People Must Be Aggressive To Get What They Want
Myth #4: Venting Anger Is Always Desirable
What does SMART mean?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Timely