Hometown of Jesus
Meaning of "Hakuna Matata"
What is "no worries"?
What is McDonalds?
Male sea creature that gives birth to its offspring
What is a seahorse?
Name the character
After receiving the ten commandments from God, Moses came down from the mountain and found the Israelites worshiping this
What is a golden calf?
Sayer of famous line, "Fish are friends, not food"
Who is Bruce?
Like a good neighbor, _____ is there
What is State Farm?
A hippo's sweat is this color
What is pink/red?
What is said in this still frame?
What is "okay"?
The disciple that denied Jesus three times
Who is Peter?
Moana saved this creature as a baby, earning the ocean's favor
What is a sea turtle?
The snack that smiles back
What is Goldfish?
This is the closest living relative to the t-rex
What is a chicken?
Name the movie
What is Despicable Me?
God punished the builders of the Tower of Babel by doing this
What is different languages?
Scuttle called this a dinglehopper
What is a fork?
Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that
What is Kit Kat?
World's deadliest animal
What is a mosquito?
Name the person
Who is Steve Harvey?
Jesus did this act of love and care to his disciples at The Last Supper
What is washing their feet?
What is Eugene Fitzherbert?
What would you do-oo-oo for a
A gathering of crows is called this
What is a murder?
Name the product
What is Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal?