Clear Picture
On-Track Thinking
On-Track Action
Project Connect

How many Skills are there? 

9 Skills total


Jim notices his heart is beating fast. What step of Clear Picture is this? 

a. notice breath

b. Body Check

c. notice urges

b. body check


What is the icon for On-Track Thinking?

The thinking man/ man with gears in head 


What number skill is On-Track Action?

skill #3


Adam can’t find the keys to his car one morning. He begins to feel very frustrated and knows that he needs to get a Clear Picture of the situation What are the 6 Clear Picture Dos that would help him understand his situation?

1. Notice the breath

2. Notice the Surroundings

3. Body Check

4. Label and Rate

5. Notice Thoughts

6. Notice Urges


If I am at a level 3 frustrated, how many skills do I need to cope with my emotions, according to the Skills Recipe?

Skills Recipe: Add one skill level to the level of feeling (3 + 1 = 4).


What are the 5 senses?

touch, hear, sight, smell & taste 


How does this skill help us:

a. feel bad

b. think of goals

c. solve problems

b. think of goals 


What is the icon for On-Track Action? 

the train 


Natalie is frustrated and has begun to throw things around the office. What level would her label and rate be?

Level 5


If I rate myself from 0 to 3, what Category of Skills can I use?

Calm-Only Skills

All the Time Skills



True or False: if I label and rate at a 4 or 5, I am no longer calm.



True or False: The cheerleading step means to be judgmental towards ourselves?

False: It means to cheer ourselves on, to motivate ourselves 


What are the five areas of our life that we try to balance as part of an On-Track Action Plan?

Sleep, health, eating, exercise, fun, work 


Grace doesn't feel like going to work one morning and starts playing video games instead of getting ready to leave. What type of On-Track Action should she take?

a. Take a Step to My Goal

b. Switch Tracks

c. On-Track Action Plan

d. Accept the Situation

e. Turn the Page

b. Switch Tracks 


I want to use Expressing Myself with my friend, but I am at a level 4 -angry. What other skills can I use to help me calm down? 

Clear Picture, On-Track Thinking, On-Track Action, New Me Activities, New Me Activities


True or False: An urge is an action we are thinking of doing?



True or false: We Turn It Up when we have a urge that is off-track?

True: We Turn It Up to an On-Track Action instead.


True or false: We Switch Tracks when we feel an off-track urge rising? 

true; we do something on-track instead


Adam has been waiting at court for jury duty, but is getting bored and frustrated. He has the urge to leave court early. How can he use Check It, to decide what to do?

Use Check It. Leaving court early would not be helpful to Adam's goals and would get a thumbs down.

What are the 3 things people do at a level 5 emotion?

destroying property

harming self 

harming others 


Thoughts and Urges: 

a. come and go

b. stay forever

c. don't effect me 

a. come and go 


Which is not a motivating statement?:

a. I got this!

b. This was easier than I thought!

c. This sucks!

c. This sucks!


If we can't change the situation we: 

a. throw a fit 

b. Accept the Situation

c. call the police

b. Accept the Situation; make lemonade out of lemons


Natalie is about to go into an important meeting, and notices that her palms are sweating and her shoulders are starting to ache. What Clear Picture Do is she using to notice these sensations?

Body Check
