Mention two places where you can make a complaint.
Hospital, restaurant, school, work, neighborhood, laboratory.
Mention three materials to make a lava lamp.
Bottle, alkaseltzer, oil, water, food coloring.
Mention three types of TV SHOWS
Soap opera, cartoon, tv series, drama...
Person who wrote a book.
Person who tells news report
Mention a complaint you can make at the hospital.
Ej. The doctor is late.
_________ the alkaseltzer in two parts.
Mention a tv show to entertain people.
Mention a horror book.Dr
Person who tells the weather forecast
Mention a complaint you can make at the restaurant.
Complete the instruction using the correct verb.
___________ water into the bottle.
Mention a TV show to learn
Mention two books seen in class
Perfume, Dracula, The fault in our stars.
Person who records a tv show
Mention an expression to apologize for a bad service.
Ej. Sorry, this will not happen again.
Mention three sequence adverbs to make an experiment.
first, then, after that, next, finally
Television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations
Reality Show
Who is the author of "it"?
Stephen King
Person who entertains a tv show
Mention three negative emotions you feel when you receive a bad service.
sad, angry, furious, nervous, rude.
Which instruction is for invisible ink.
1.Pour oil into the bottle.
2.-Squeeze a lemon into a bowl.
2.-Squeeze a lemon into a bowl.
professional entertainment consisting of jokes intended to make an audience laugh.
Who is the author of "One hundred years of solitude"?
Gabriel GarcĂa Marquez
Person who sits behind a desk and tells the news