The sum of 7+3
What is 10
A synonym for happy
What is glad, joyful, content
The sum of 9+8
What is 17
Which is the tallest animal in the world
What is a Giraffe
In what month does leap day happen
What is February
The sum of 8+4
What is 12
A synonym for mad
What is angry, irritated
The sum of 10+12
What is 22
Which is a human's best friend
What is a dog
In what month does fall start
What is September
The sum of 9+5
What is 14
A synonym for tired
What is sleepy, exhausted
Multiply 9x4
What is 36
Which is the largest mammal
What is a whale
What 2 colors make purple
What is red and blue
The sum of 10+6
What is 16
A synonym for being shy
What is afraid, bashful
Multiply 8x6
What is 48
Which animal is an orangutan
What is a monkey
Where do bananas grow from
What is a tree
The sum of 11+7
What is 18
A synonym for being shy
What is bothered, distracted
Multiply 9x8
What is 72
Which is the fastest land animal
What is a cheetah
Who is the 1st President of the United States
Who is George Washington