What color is the inside of an avocado fully ripen
what is the closest star to earth?
the sun
Real jeopardy question: it is a big flying abject with wing and engines.
What is a plane
How many years is five decades
50 years
Real jeopardy question: i am nine years old
how old are you
What color is an avocado outside not fully ripen
The moon larger than mercury true or false
Longest plane wing width rounded to the nearest hundred
300 feet
How long does it take for light to travel from the sun to earth
8 minutes
What is my favorite color?
Is an avocado a fruit or veggie
How old is the universe about
13 billion years old
Definition of livery
Advertisement or painting on things such as planes cars and blimps
If you were born 8 years ago how old would you be?
How many siblings do I have
what does a Barrie grow on
A tree
Closest star to the sun
Praxima centurie
Real jeopardy question:To keep the air flow steady when flying
What is that hole in air plane windows
How long is the proscribed teeth brushing time
2-3 minutes
Do I have a dog
is a coconut a fruit
Why are planets round
Because of gravity
What are the two biggest plane manufacturers courently
Boeing and air bus
How long does it take for your whole body to fully decompose after death
7 years
What is may birth day (month:day:year:)