The full name of the bible book abbreviated as "Ec" on JW Library
What is Ecclesiastes?
These two men convinced their mother to ask Jesus to sit at his right and left hand
Who is James and John?
Name the 5 World Powers Foretold by Daniel
10 points per power!
Who is Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo-America?
Respond with either the title of the song or the melody:
"From House to house, from door to door, Jehovah's word we spread, from town to town, from farm to farm, Jehovah's sheep are fed."
83 From House to House
Who said the following words:
"Am I a dog, so that you are coming against me with sticks?"
Who is Goliath? (1 Sam 17:43)
The full name of the bible book abbreviated as "Le" on JW Library
What is Leviticus?
Name the 12 apostles. For everyone you get right you can have 50 points.
Who is Peter, James, John, Judas, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Simon, Thaddaeus, James(2)?
One Denarius is worth how many days wages?
What is 1 days wage?
Respond with either the title of the song or the melody:
"Then forward you witnesses, ever strong of heart! Rejoice that in God's work, you too may have a part! Go tell far and wide that the Paradise is near and that soon all its blessings will be here."
What is 61 Forward, you Witnesses?
Who said the following words:
"You are talking like one of the senseless women. Should we accept only what is good from the true God and not accept also what is bad?"
Who is Job? (Job 2:10)
The full name of the bible book abbreviated as "La" on JW Library
What is Lamentations?
A man referred to in the bible as Senseless, Harsh, Worthless, and Good for Nothing.
Who is Nabal?
The month the Passover fell on (Hebrew Calendar)
What is April OR NISAN?
Respond with either the title of the song or the melody:
"Father, you remember how in faith they've run. Give them your assurance; May they hear well done."
138 Beauty in Gray-Headedness
Who said the following words:
"Do not plead with me to abandon you, to turn back from accompanying you; for where you go, I will go, and where you spend the night, I will spend the night."
Who is Ruth? (Ruth 1:16)
The full name of the bible book abbreviated as "Am" on JW Library
What is Amos?
A Pharisee who came to Jesus one night and confessed that Jesus must have come from God.
Who is Nicodemus?
Jesus performed his first miracle turning water into wine at which location?
1. Cana of Galilee
2. Capernaum
3. Sychar
4. Judea
What is Cana of Galilee?
Respond with either the title of the song or the melody:
"His advice will never fail us, and his counsel we obey. He is loyal, we can trust him. From his side well never stray."
What is 124 Ever Loyal
Who said the following words:
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another source, but you and your father's house will perish."
Who is Mordecai? (Esther 4:14)
The full name of the bible book abbreviated as "Ca" on JW Library
What is Song of Solomon?
A once close companion and personal advisor of a particular king turned his back on him in favor of his son and plotted to hunt him down.
50 Bonus points for naming the king and his son.
Who is Ahithophel?
Bonus: Who is King David and Absalom?
Which of the following is a city in Egypt?
1. Tarsus
2. Memphis
3. Aenon
4. Acco
What is Memphis?
Respond with either the title of the song or the melody:
"Jehovah God, most high over all, the one who is forever more the same, you soon will cause your enemies to fall and sanctify your holy name."
What is 149 A Victory Song?
Who said the following words:
"It is because Jehovah has looked upon my affliction, for now my husband will begin to love me."
Who is Leah? (Genesis 29:32)