What is two?
The game of ____
What is the game of life ?
The elf on the ___
What is the elf on the shelf?
Super mario ____
What is super mario bros?
Drew ____
What is drew Cary?
What is 50?
Family ____
What is family feud?
Harry ______
What is Harry Potter?
Super mario _____
What is super mario world?
Richard ______
What is Richard Dawson?
What is 100?
The price is_____
What is the price is right?
The game of _______
What is the game of thrones?
Family ____
What is family feud?
Frosty the _______
What is frosty the snowman?
What is 20?
Wheel of _______
What is wheel of fortune?
Captain __________
What is captain underpants?
The price is _____
What is the price is right?
What is Bob barker?
What is 70?
Monopoly ______
What is monopoly empire?
Dance ____
What is dance moms?
Press your ____
What is press your luck?
Alex ______
What is Alex trebeck?