What bird is often associated with romance?
A dove
True or false
More candy is purchased on Valentine's Day than on Halloween
What do these emojis represent?
Love letter
What flower is most symbolic of Valentine's Day?
A rose
Which group receives the most Valentine's Day candy and gifts?
A. Children B. Mothers/wives
C. Fathers/husbands D. Pets
A- Children
What do these emojis represent?
Be mine
Along with Valentine's Day, what other holiday sells the most flowers?
Mother's Day
What is the most popular candy on Valentine's Day?
Conversation hearts
What do these emojis represent?
Love song
Finish the verse:
For God __ _____ the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever ________ in him should not perish but have _______ ____.
1- so 2- loved 3- believes
4- eternal 5- life
Hershey hugs are a Hershey kiss covered in ______?
1. Caramel
2. Dark chocolate
3. White chocolate
What do these emojis represent?
Candle lit dinner
What do yellow roses symbolize?
What is one phrase that appears on a conversation heart?
Look up answer
What do these emojis represent?
Love potion