What is the definition of Binge Drinking?
5 or more drinks in a row for a male.
4 or more drinks in a row for a female.
Is marijuana addictive? True or False? Why?
Marijuana is not physically addictive but some youth do become psychologically addicted to the sensation of being high. Signs of possible addiction include:
Getting high alone.
Getting high during school.
Lying about how much/how often.
Increased tolerance.
Continued use despite negative consequences.
"Fent" is the slang term for what street drug?
Concerns about look-a-like pills. Accidental poisoning. One pill can kill!
Can cause breathing and/or heart beat to stop.
What is the Good Samaritan Law?
You can call 911 and summon medical help for friend without fear of legal consequences.
What are the side affects of using nicotine?
A drug found in tobacco products.
Highly addictive
Found to cause cancer
What are signs or symptoms of a Blackout?
Drinking to the point of not remembering events.
Making choices that are out of character, risky, illegal, embarrassing, etc.
Not being fully in control of thoughts or actions.
Not remembering things - Similar to having a malfunctioning computer or phone.
What is THC?
THC or Terahydrocannabinol is the active ingredient in marijuana that gets people high.
THC content varies by product - high, medium and low concentrations.
What are two potential dangers associated with taking mushrooms as known as micro dosing, magic mushrooms or schooms?
Impossible to determine dosage prior to ingestion.
Look-a-like substances containing unknown chemicals
Distorted thinking.
Possibly contribute to mental health issues.
What are the legal consequences of being convicted of Minor in Possession of Alcohol (MIP)?
1st Offense - loss of your drivers license for up to 1 year.
Increased insurance costs/loss of insurance.
First time offenders often eligible for a Diversion Program.
What is E-Juice?
Is the fluid or "juice" used in vape pens.
Contains gycol/glycerin, flavorings and nicotine.
Lack of industry regulation.
Long term effects of inhaling gycol/glycerin unknown.
What are four signs or symptoms of alcohol poisoning?
Passing out - can't be roused.
Throwing up while passed out.
Slow or irregular breathing.
Bluing of the lips, finger tips, toes.
What are two possible negative side effects of eating a marijuana infused product like cookies or candy?
The slow onset of the effects of marijuana when eaten can lead to over consumption.
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
"Greening Out"
What are two possible negative side effects of taking a friend's ADD medication like Adderall or Ritalin?
Anxiety Attack
Weight Loss
Minors can be charged with driving under the influence at what blood alcohol level?
It is a crime for a person who is under the age of 21 to drive a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .02 or greater.
Drinking one beer could put you over the legal limit.
You don't have to be buzzed to get busted.
If nicotine is unsafe, why do people continue to use tobacco products?
Nicotine Addiction.
Denial - It won't happen to me. I can quit anytime.
Marketing by the Tobacco Industry.
Vapes are appealing to young users.
Why is it dangerous and potentially fatal to combine prescription medication with alcohol?
Pills and alcohol when taken together can cause a multiplying effect. (2x2=25)
Breathing, heart rate and gag reflex can become impaired leading to brain damage and/or death.
What is Amotivational Syndrome?
Also known as "Slacker Syndrome". Frequent use of marijuana can lead to a lack of motivation and result in teens not reaching their potential in school, sports, hobbies, etc.
Social and emotional stagnation related to regular use of marijuana.
Name the four "Gateway Drugs"
RX Medications
What are the consequences at MIHS for being under the influence or in possession of alcohol, drugs or nicotine products at school?
10 day suspension from school.
Police are called.
15 day loss of eligibility from sports.
Required substance abuse assessment and follow up counseling.
What are the risks associated with the aerosols produced by vape devices?
Aerosols can contain ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs.
Ultrafine chemical particles remain deep inside the lungs. These chemicals include:
Diacetyl, is an artificial flavoring chemical linked to a serious lung disease.
Volatile organic compounds such as Benzene, which is found in car exhaust
Heavy metals, such as Nickel, Tin, and Lead have all been found in vaping fluids.