BRB is exactly what your dad did
Be Right Back
The First NFL Team established.
Arizona Cardinals
This is the biggest bone in your body.
The capital of Thailand
GG is something you say to your friends after playing with them.
Get Good
This team always has a great team but chokes in the playoffs.
What is the Dallas Cowboys
Thee are the two bones they talk about on your hand.
Radius and Ulna
The capital of France
PM is the way we tell time.
What is Post Medertain.
_ Country, Lets Ride
Denver Broncos
This can extend ten times bigger when stimulated.
Pupil of your eye.
The capital of Alabama
ASAP is a way to tell omeone to go faster.
This team has all of the swifties
The Kansas City Chiefs
Another word for your skull
The capital of Russia
GPS is what is in your car.
Global Positioning System
This team has a skull in the logo.
Tampa Bay Buccaners
The kneecap protector.
The Capital of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City