Strength in the face of pain, difficulty, grief or fear
This is the term for a persistent, strong, and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity.
Talking, Listening, Sharing, Expressing
The rates of heart disease, stroke, HIV, Hepatitis, and mental disorders move in this direction when addiction is also present
increase / get worse
Which Seacrest employee has 2 pet turtles named Ripley and Spike?
Drive, Desire, the reason for your actions
This mental health disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania and depression.
Bipolar Disorder
Counting to 10, breathing, positive self talk, consequential thinking, grounding , and stress-management are all types of what?
Coping Skills
Whatever the substance is, once addiction to that substance occurs for long enough this important organ drastically changes the way it functions
The Brain
Which Seacrest employee studied abroad in Belgium?
The capacity for understanding one's own or another's thoughts, feelings, motives, and problems, self-awareness.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Identify the problem, gather information, brainstorm solutions, weigh your choices, take action are examples of this
Decision Making
This neurotransmitter is closely linked to the mind's reward system and is commonly associated with pleasure and reinforcement
This Seacrest employee has over 1000 vinyl records in their collection.
Matt Simon
The ability to bounce back especially after something difficult.
This is a term for a sudden, intense, and overwhelming episode of fear or discomfort, often accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, and sweating.
Panic Attack
Relaxation, walking, healthy eating, proper sleep, setting aside "me" time, taking breaks and rewarding yourself are examples of this
Self Care
These hormones often referred to as "feel-good" hormones, are released during activities that promote well being
This Seacrest employee has a fear about using coupons
The quality of honestly upholding and sticking to your values
This mental health disorder is characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts followed by repetitive behaviors or rituals aimed at reducing anxiety
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Maintain limits with self and others, protecting your personal and emotional space, avoiding negativity is an example of what?
Setting Boundaries
This highly advanced and complex area of the human brain is associated with decision making and impulse control, and is strongly impacted by addiction
Prefrontal Cortex
This Seacrest employee used to live in Utah