Guidance on child behavior
Guidance on child behavior
Guidance on Behavior
CYP Professional Training requirements
CYP Professional Training requirements

What is the definition of guidance on child behavior?

techniques used to assist children in developing a positive self-image, self control, self respect, and respect for the rights and property of others. 


Who should write the We need your help form?

The person who saw the incident.


What is the acronym of CNIC?

Commander, Navy, Installations, Command


What is required before the staff, provider, or volunteer engages with children

Initial/Orientation Training 


True or False: Once you complete a set a modules, you will not have to repeat any of those modules again. 

False. CYP professionals may be required to repeat any module upon determination by trainer and/or supervisor that a review of the information is needed. 


True or False:For us to be successful giving positive guidance to the youth CYP employees and volunteers needs to be fair and consistent helping youth develop self control



What are the first 3 steps if a child develops a pattern of highly aggressive behavior?

Notify the program manager. The trainer will do an observation. A conference will be scheduled with parents, primary caregiver and supervisor.


How will you know when it is necessary to write a We need your help form?

A child has caused physical harm to another child and parental assistance in needed to extinguish the inappropriate behavior. 


If you have a degree in nursing, do you still need to complete a full set of modules?

YES! CYP professionals who have a 2 or 4 year degree that is not in Early Childhood Education or Child Development will need to complete a full set of modules in the appropriate age group. 


True or False:The CYP Lead will assistant all CYP professionals with proceeding through modules, by providing feedback, answering questions, administering knowledge Assessments and conducting competency assessments. 

False. Training and Curriculum Specialist (T&C)


What are 3 simple rules for youth to use to establish clear behavior limits?

1. Take care of ourselves

2. Take care of our friends

3. Take care of our things


What is positive guidance technique?

Children will be praised for positive for behavior and attempts for positive behavior.


When any child exhibits aggressive or unusual behavior, what information should be logged?

Date, time, general location, and child's activity


True or False: Volunteers working with children do not have to have ongoing training requirements.

False. Ongoing training requirements is required on a monthly/annual basis and is a requirement for all CYP professionals including volunteers. 


What degree do you need to challenge the appropriate age group modules?

A 2 year degreee in early childhood education or child development


Give one example of a constructive discipline.

-Separation of child from the situation

-ignoring minor misbehavior

-praise appropriate behavior



Give 3 types of discipline that are not allowed?

spanking, pinching, hitting, taking away meals, corporal punishment, humiliation, etc.


Children learn by doing and _________

Children want affection, attention, recognition, and success. They learn by doing and TRYING. They learn better when they feel good about themselves. 


what is the difference of CDA and MSA

the CDA is recognized worldwide that you can use it in military and civilian.(CDC)

MSA is only for military.(school age care)


What does the acronym IDP stand for?

Individual Development Plan


True or False: When writing a We need your help form, you don't have to specific.

False. You need to be specific and objective. Include facts-Avoid stating your interpretation of the feelings involved. 


True or False: Guidance must be matched to the child's developmental level.

True. Behavior that is inappropriate for an older child might be normal for one who is younger. 


True or False. After a second conference with a child with behaviors and the behavior continues, the child may be suspended for up to 24 hours.

True. If the behavior continues into the second conference, a suspension of more than 24 hours may occur the installation CYP director's discretion, and CNIV will be notified. 


How long do you have to complete your modules?

24 months after date of hire


What does the acronym MDTI stand for?

Multi-disciplinary Team Inspection
