What are the 4 parts of SEEC?
State, explain, example, connect
Left or Right, which is CLOSED body language
What is VOLUME?
Volume is how loud your voice is.
What is argumentation?
Argumentation is using logic, evidence, and reasoning to either prove your own point or disprove another.
What is the name of our organization?
What is STATING?
Summarizing your entire argument in ONE sentence
What's body language?
Body language is moving your arms, head, legs, body and face!
What can PACING achieve?
It can show emotion; slow pacing can show a serious, sad mood, while fast pacing can show excitement, anxiety, or fear.
What can be used as a hook?
A question, bold statement, exclamation, quote, statistic, or anecdote.
What's the name of my dog?
When do we use SEEC?
Acceptable answers- Argumentation, body paragraphs, debating, speeches, etc
What is, and why do we use eye contact?
Eye contact is simply looking at someone, or an audience, in the eyes and we use it to make a connection with our audience
What does MONOTONE mean?
Monotone is when you talk with little variation in your volume, pitch, or pacing.
What is glossophobia?
The fear of public speaking!
What grade am I in?
Connecting is tying it back to our original statement, sort of like a conclusion statement, to ensure our audience remembers what we're talking about.
What percent of communication is NON-VERBAL?
73 - 90%
Your resting volume!
How do we plan a speech?
Brainstorm ideas, prioritize them, and finally do some research.
What city and school am I in?
Edmonton and Old Scona Academic
When STATING, what does KISS stand for?
Keep It Short and Simple!
What can body language ACHIEVE?
Body language helps with engagement, emphasis, and emotion.
What does PAUSING achieve?
Pausing can help the audience appreciate your speech, giving them time to understand what you said. Also, it can give you some time if you forget something in your speech!
What are the 3 parts of an introduction?
The hook, stating your topic, and giving a quick outline of your speech.
List at least 5 of the lessons you've been taught so far.
Introduction to Public Speaking
Volume, Pitch & Pacing
Body Language
How to Write a Persuasive Speech
Prepared Speech Writing Workshop