The basis of TBT
Task- based sequences in the classroom
Tasks based on written texts
From topic to task types: listing, sorting, classifying

What is the primary focus of task- based teaching?



Answer: What is the first step in designing a task-based sequence for a lesson?

Selecting the topic


Name and provide an example of a task based on a written text for a primary or secondary level English class.

Prediction tasks

Discussion tasks


Answer: How can teachers choose suitable topics for tasks? Give at least 5 examples

-Consulting in Ss' coursebooks

-Focusing on seasonal interests

-Focusing on cross-curricular topics

-Taking into account Ss interests

- Focusing on casual conversations in social settings


Explain 3 differences between task-based teaching and form- based approaches, like PPP.

In TBT Teachers don't attempt to control learner language

The success of the class is in terms of communication, whereas in form- focused approaches it is in terms of accuracy.

In TBT, the focus on form always comes after focus on meaning


Explain 3 reasons for focusing on form at the end of a task sequence

-It helps students to make sense of the language they have experienced 

-It highlights language they are likely to experience in the future

-It provides motivation


Answer: What general knowledge tasks be used as a basis for a task cycle?


True or false

Multiple choice

Open-ended questions


Mention and exemplify the 2 kinds into which listing can be split

1- Brainstorming

-qualities of a world leader

-things that cats tend to do

-landmarks used when giving directions

2- Fact- finding

-find out what 3 people outside this class think about cats

-find out the birthdays of 7 people you know

-find out 5 facts about a volcano


Answer: How can task-based teaching enhance student engagement? Exemplify

-Content is always introduced in context

-Communication is primary

-Real life tasks and meanings are a priority

-The teacher is not the centre of the class, but a facilitator

-Accuracy is not the main objective, so Ss are not afraid of making mistakes


Explain when and why should teachers use Spanish in their EFL classes

At the beginning of the task cycle, to activate previous knowledge

Before completing a task, to check if Ss have understood the instructions


Answer: How can teachers recycle texts that have been studied in detail? Give examples

Corrupted text






Answer: How can teachers use games based on listing in their classes? Exemplify

-'Guess what I had for breakfast today'

-Write 5 sentences about your favourite animal. Then read them for the class so the rest can guess the animal

-'Guess what I have got in my bag'


Name and explain 4 essentials of the task- based approach

People can operate effectively in a foreign language even though their grammar is limited

TBT accepts the importance of grammar

Teachers don't have to be highly experienced to use TBT effectively

Tasks are not necessarily done in pairs or groups

TBT can be used to teach both the spoken and written language

Learners will be able to do tasks although they haven't got the right grammar


Answer: How can teachers ensure a smooth transition between tasks in a task-based sequence? Give an example of a short sequence

Giving Ss plenty of time to plan, prepare, consult, discuss, make notes, ask for explanations or demonstrations...


Priming task

Preparation task

1° Target task

Planning task

2° Target task


Answer: How can teachers ask students to prepare questions for themselves? Exemplify

-Select a text rich in information

-Ss prepare a number of questions they can ask about the text

-The other groups are expected to answer detailed questions on the text but without the text. They should anticipate possible questions

-As individuals, Ss write down their answers and then compare them and decide on a final list.


Provide an example of a task sequence that requires classifying information in a primary class

'Junk we carry round with us': 

Ss divide objects into their own categories: shape, things with perfume, things that make noise, objects to do with money, etc.

Positive/Negative categories

International words: media/sport/people/places/things you say


Discuss: meaning and tasks in the classroom

When the focus of the class is on meaning, there is real personal involvement, with an accompanying increase in confidence and fluency. 


Explain how a conversational task sequence could be planned -include at least 5 tasks-

Priming: tell Ss about a very busy day. Encourage them to ask questions.

Preparation: Ss make a list of the activities they do on a busy day.

Target task: In groups, Ss tell each other about their busy days, and decide which person had the most difficult day.

Planning: Groups are asked to help the person with the most interesting story to tell the class what they have done.

Target task: 2 or 3 Ss give their accounts to the class, who vote on who had the most difficult day.


Mention and exemplify 4 different ways of setting up a jigsaw task

1- Split information

2- Jigsaw the text

3- Crumpled paper

4- Jigsaw note- taking


Explain how seeing information set out within a framework can help students organise information in a structured way. Exemplify

Using charts, tables, mind-maps can make tasks less cognitively demanding and give Ss a sense of security.

It can also stimulate interaction, as Ss add their own ideas to fill any spaces.
