If you jump in a mountain, what is the warning called?
What is an avalanche?
What would you do if you get pulled over by police?
What is everything?
daily double. When is Canada day?
What is july 1?
A type of recipe that has chicken tenders and bread shawarma?
What is the crispy spice shawarma (dont forget to whisper it...)?
They used the fans plus only as a badword
What is onlyfans?
The rock that cools down is a?
What is igneous rock?
Another name for a hurricane
What is typhoon?
What did the phillies use when it was a home run?
What is a bell?
Why do leaves fall when it is autumn?
What is they can change colors?
Why doesnt it snow on the Phillipines?
What is hot days?
The lowest part of the house
What is basement?
The warning that clouds have large amounts of water called
What is flood?
Aged 3 to 10 years old is called...
What is child?
This is not an afilliate for the Kings.
What is Swamp Rabbits of Greenville?
Cyan has 60 dollars, which has 30 dollars? The 90 dollar Hair clipper or the 30 dollar wireless lav mic?
What is the 30 dollar wireless lav mic
A type of marker that writes in a whiteboard
What is whiteboard marker?
The farthest shot in a basketball court
What is 3 points?
A type of song that has a word love but it was _ak_?
What is fake?
DeVonta has 4,094 dollars, which has more than 4,094 dollars? the 9,000 dollar tv or the 90 dollar wireless phone?
What is the 9,000 dollar tv?
Cadyn robbed a store. Where does this story take place?
What is at a store?
A ball that is for shooting in the net
What is basketball
What is a car that cops drive?
What is a police car?
Cadyn cannot spot a burger in McDonalds, where should it be?
What is at Service Centre?
Katrina, Allen, Mustafa and Shozuko found a real world, but it is at my apartment. Where does it take place?
What is the fake and real world?
Amefa is playing cricket and accidentally hit Darmian, where does it take place?
What is the stadium?