Who are the two psychology majors?
Guillermo and Jeffrey
How does Alberto feel about his cultural identity?
He struggles to balance his Mexican heritage with his American identity.
What colors does Berkeley use?
Blue and gold
What was Martin's favorite show as a kid?
the Simpsons
Where will the final essay be written in?
Who attended Berkley?
What does Alberto use his art for?
To raise awareness about social issues
What time does the bell sound?
Every hour
What time does Martin wake up?
3 AM
How long should your essay be?
4 paragraphs, 600 words
When did Ceci graduate Highschool?
What narrative style is used in this in Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer?
Graphic Memoir
What does Berkely have underground?
a library
What artist did Martin try to put you on?
Chicano Batman
What are you supposed to do in run-on sentences to correct them?
Period and Commas. Break it up into more sentences.
What is Maurice majoring in?
Computer Science
What did his daughter want to do that made him emotional near the end of the book?
Write/publish her own book
What was the purpose of the building, which looks like a castle?
What did the protesters in Watsonville yell at the police?
All cops are bastards!!
Who will read and grade your Essays?
Martin and the portfolio committee
Which tutor almost got jumped at Berkeley?
What was the name of the racist person in the Latino conference?
What is the name of the clock tower?
What did Martin see in New York that was from Watsonville?
A box of strawberries
How much time do you have to complete the essay?
about 90 minutes