Celebrities & Hits from 2020's
Extinct Animals
History of the World

This 2020 hit, describes galaxies, and glitters in the sky. The singer is famous for other songs which talk about breakups and heartaches as well.

What is Levitating by Dua Lipa?


This is the most famous dinosaur that has ever existed. It was very large and long, of a carnivorous breed. Other dinosaurs were afraid of it.

What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?


In the movie 'Aladdin', the audience can see the portrayal of Arab traditions and cultures. However, the city where the movie takes place is fictional.

What is Agrabah?


We can find some of these animals are still alive, however, they are on the verge of extinction. The result of these animals being endagered is the climate change which is melting the ice-caps.

What are Polar Bears?


Independence day in the US is celebrated on this particular day. People decorate with red, white and blue, usually have a family barbecue and they end the day with beautiful fireworks displayed all over the states. 

What is 4th of July?


This celebrity was very famous in the 2000s, however, she made a comeback in the last few years. Her most famous songs are 'Disturbia' and 'SOS'. For some fans, she is their 'Queen' however, others might disagree as they have their own.

Who is Rihanna?


There are three periods in which dinosaurs lived; Cretaceous, Triassic & Jurassic. In this particular period, Tyrannosaurus Rex was alive along with the Mosasaurs and Plesiosaur. 

What is the Cretaceous Period?


In the 1997 musical 'Hercules', the audience follows the life of a demi-god overcoming challenges, in order to become a god. However, his uncle is opposed to this idea and tries and gets Hercules killed over and over again.

Who is Hades?


This type of duck was named after a breed of dog. It went extinct sometime after 1878. Although the reason for its extinction is still not fully explained. It is thought that they were hunted for food. Unfortunately, this duck was considered to taste bad, rotted quickly, and fetched a low price. 

What is a Labrador Duck?


In 1534, the Church of England was formed under this King's orders. The reason for this formation was so that the King would be able to annul his marriage to his first wife Catherine of Aragon as at the time, England was Catholic. This led to the English Reformation.

Who is King Henry VIII?


He is out of the spotlight and is focused on starting a family. However, back in 2010, he released a single which made everyone loose their mind over this celebrity. This song is quite catchy and makes you call everyone baby.

Who is Justin Bieber?


Dinosaurs are animals which fascinate a lot of people. However, due to an asteroid impact on earth, they went extinct around...

What is 65 million years ago?


This Disney character is very famous for her bravery and courage. Unlike other disney princesses, who ended up being married, this princess decided to lead her own life and end the movie still single.

Who is Merida?


Due to deforestation, hunting and destruction of their nests by other animals, these beautiful birds went extinct in the 17th Century. Animation movies like 'Alice in Wonderland' have depicted this creature to keep its memory alive.

What is the Dodo?


Led by William the Conqueror, the Battle of Hastings took place in 1066. This battle became famous as it resulted in the Norman's conquesting this particular country leading to significant political and social changes.

What is England?


Back in the 2003, this band became very famous after releasing a single which made everyone wonder about the hate spread in the world. As, some people were wondering where the love is with wars and fights going on all over the world. This band is still together and have released new singles as well. 

Who are the Black Eyed Peas?


This animal was thought to be a type of dinosaur. However, since it was able to fly and its bones were different than those of dinosaurs, were labelled as 'flying reptiles'. Nonetheless, people still refer to them as a type of dinosaur.

What are Pterodactyls?


Released in 1937, this movie was the first full-length animated Disney production. It is still quite famous today, however, no live-action (by Disney) has been made.

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


This animal is very famous because it is one of the most beloved characters on Looney Tunes. They went extinct over 400 years ago due to predation by wild dogs. You might know him as the character who spins a lot.

What is the Tasmanian Devil?


The play & movie adaptation Les Miserables reflect this event that took place in France in the 18th century. The reason behind this event was to revolt against inequalities of the French society. It is here, that Marie Antoinette's head and her husband's were severed.

What is the French Revolution?


In the 1996 film 'The First Wives Club', this song was first released as an anthem for women and their independence. When 'Birds of Prey' came out in 2020, this song was once again sung, this time by Grace, as a reminder of the independence and womenhood that the movie portrays through the character of Harley Quinn.

What is You don't own me?


This dinosaur was very famous because of its ability and quick speed at which they ran. This type of dinosaur, although very large in size, were not carnivors, instead they preyed on herbivorous dinosaurs.

What is a Velociraptor?


This Disney movie was released in 1996, portrays the life of a mistreated man because of his condition. However, at the end of the movie, we see that a gypsy girl and Captain Phoebus manage to save him and get revenge on the Parisian Justice Minister who had kept this man captive all his life.

What is the Hunchback of Notre Dame?


In the movie 'Ice Age', Sid the Sloth makes friend with Diego. Diego is the "tiger" and although he wants to devour Sid, Manny the Mammoth helps to make them friends. All animals in this movie represent extinct animals, like Diego.

What is a Saber Toothed-Tiger?


This year is particularly famous for the start of World War I. George V was the King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions during this year.

What is 1914?
