Which square do you walk down in the hallway?
Second square
What do we do in our classroom instead of rasing our hands?
Thinking or you know
What should you do if you're in a group with someone you don't like?
Keep it to yourself, be kind.
What voice level do we use in 4L?
Level 1- WHISPER
Where are the restrooms that we use located?
Down the hall beside innovations or in the patio (lunch room).
Which way should you be facing?
How do we add on to an answer that someone else has given?
Roll your hands
Why is it important to do your share?
1. to learn
2. to help others
What voice level do you use during independent time?
Level 0- VOICE OFF
What is the bathroom monitor's job?
Listen for zero voice level and to allow students inside each time a stall opens up by showing a count on their finger.
What is the proper speed you should maintain in the hallways?
Explain eye contact
Expected when anyone is speaking to the you or the class whether it's a student or teacher.
Who should do most of the work in partners?
It should be equal 50/50
Why is it important to use a voice level 0 in a drill or emergency?
To keep everyone safe.
What should you always do after using the restroom?
If your neighbor is talking to you, what should you do?
Explain every person every time and examples of activities when it's expected.
Call backs, eye contact, thinking or you know, 4L's, white boards, etc.. Every person is responsible for following the rules every time.
To give processing time and to brainstorm ideas
Why is it important to follow voice level rules?
To improve learning, to not take learning away from others, to allow your teacher to do her job, and for safety.
Hallway should & should nots- Show & Tell
Should: Facing forward, second square, voice level zero, walking, hands and feet to self.
Should not: Running, playing, dancing, talking, kicking, swinging arms, jumping, etc.
SLANT- Show & Tell
Sitting up, Leaned in, Answering and Asking questions, Nod your head, and Track the speaker.
Whiteboards/Markers- Show & Tell
Write your answer, cap your marker, turn your board over, marker down, hands in lap. NO DRAWING.
Voice Level SHOW & TELL
Level 0, 1, 2, 3
0- voices off
1- whisper
2- classroom voice (low-medium)
3- sharing with class (loud)
What happens if you need to use the restroom outside of a class restroom break?
When to ask, how many allowed, and procedure.
Wait until instruction is over & ask permission. 1 boy and 1 girl at a time with sign out and sign in.