Where do you find the information relating to periodic and EFTs for Fidelity?
What system to we lean on when needing to see specific account info for a Morgan Stanley account? What two aspects are we specifically looking for when using FIN for Morgan Stanley distribution?
FIN, Cash available and transactions
Can we hold standing EFT links for an IRA at UBS?
Which mentor's favorite food is Pizza?
What does “www.” stand for?
World Wide Web
What tab is the "Forms Library" under at Charles Schwab?
Account Management
Where do we see an EFT/periodic at Pershing (step by step)
Account profile>Standing instructions/Periodic plans>Click "active"
Where can I find the account registration address?
Account profile tab
Which mentor is a Tampa native?
What successful restaurant franchise started in Tampa?
What do I have to click to view the RMD information at Fidelity?
The big red "R" in the ICP
Where do we find an EFT/Periodic on file at Morgan Stanley?
Citrix, EFT/Periodic Database
Give a step-by-step walkthrough on where to find the EFT/periodic information for a taxable account at UBS
3 lines top left, service, eft/summary, Funds transfer on the left
Name all three universities that each mentor graduated from?
How many feet are in 1 mile?
What form do you ALSO need in the situation where a one-time distribution has different tax wh as a periodic already on file at CS?
CS Tax Withholding Election Form
What two places can I find the RMD at Pershing?
Retirement Data tab or the RMD hyperlink on initial profile page
After clicking the 3 lines on the top left of the screen, what do you select next if you need a client's 2023 tax forms?
Reporting tab
Which mentor is allergic to chocolate?
What is the little plastic tip at the end of your shoelace called?
An aglet
What are the three different ways to know/see the NIGOs you may have at Fidelity?
Bell under the red R, service center, bell on the left-hand side of screen
What portion of the Morgan Stanley account number do you use to search on their website?
The middle section, omitting the first and last 3 numbers
Name one of the two "splits" you need to select to search for an RMD at UBS?
What was the name of the last dynasty in China?
The Qing Dynasty