The Crazy 80's
Oak Crossing Residents

True or False Oreo Cookies are vegan?

Answer: True


This movie is a sequel to a famous sci fi horror movie. Taking place in the future, the main character is found by space marines and is forced to help them defeat a hive of Xenomorphs Aliens. 

Answer: Aliens


Fill in the blank: The 19th Amendment guarantees ____ the right to vote

Answer: Women


This item was used to pull your hair back, even if you're not in the gym. In the '80s, people for some reason pulled it down onto their foreheads—negating the function of it(keeping hair out of your eyes). What is it?

Answer: Headband


This resident is known for her love of the outdoors and activities. She can often be seen in the lobby asking someone to take her outside for a stroll?

Answer: Penny Stoner


This sandwich was the favorite of former president Bill Clinton:

a) Peanut butter and Bananas

b) Tuna Salad

c) Grilled Cheese  

Answer: a) Peanut butter and Bananas  


This movie is about a teenager who moves from New Jersey to the Valley and becomes a victim to a group of bullies who know karate. He is then taught in the ways of karate from an old but wise master, Mr. Miyagi 

Answer: Karate Kid


How long did it take to build the great wall of China?

a) 2,300 years

b) 5,000 years

c) 700 years

Answer: a) 2,300 years


The hair style beloved by pretty much everyone in this decade. With the benefit of hindsight, I'm sure there are a couple people that can pull this off. A full-blown short, bushy hairstyle on top with a different, longer, straighter hairstyle in the back. 

Answer: Mullets


This resident loves attending most programs and is often accompanied by her Maples Leafs pillow and her daughter. Who could this be?

Answer: Barbra Jean Lace


What was the first snack served at baseball games

a) French Fries

b) Ham and Cheese Sandwich

c) Ice Cream

Answer: b) Ham and Cheese Sandwich 


This movie is an action/ sci fi thriller about a military group led by Arnold Schwarzenegger's character where they learn they are being hunted by an alien that is able to disappear into its surroundings.

Answer: Predator 


Who was the first person in the world to land on the moon and which country were they from?

Answer: Neil Armstrong from the United States 


Michael Jackson wrote this song that was very popular then and still popular nowadays. The music video for this song costed $500 000 to make featuring zombies dancing to this groovy tune. Name the Song

Answer: Thriller


If you are walking around Norway Spruce and you see an unattended walker, it probably belongs to:

a) John McCormick

b) Jim Heene

c) Gary Colwell 

Answer: b) Jim Heene


German Schnitzel is made of a tenderized slice of meat that is breaded and fried. What is the original meat that was used to making schnitzel?

Answer: Veal


This comedy/horror movie is about a pet that comes with a set of rules 1) Don't Get Them Wet. 2) Don't Expose Them to Bright Lights. 3) Don't feed them after midnight. The breaking of these rules lead to the town falling into chaos on Christmas eve

Answer: Gremlins


What was the name of the international group formed to maintain world peace after World War I?

Answer: The League of Nations 


This device was used to carry around with you in your pocket and listen to music by inserting a cassette tape. 

Answer: Walkman


In White Pine there are 2 residents with the last name Sinclair. Name them. 

Answer: Roberta Sinclair (Bobbi), Evelyn Sinclair


True or false blue cheese was created on purpose?

Answer: False. Blue cheese is believed to have been discovered by accident when cheeses were stored in caves with naturally controlled temperature and moisture levels which happened to be favorable environments for varieties of harmless mold. 


This is the 4th movie in the series where our favourite Italian Stallion fights a large Russian Boxer after the death of his friend Apollo Creed. 

Answer: Rocky IV


What year was Nelson Mandela freed from prison?

a) 1985

b) 1990

c) He never made it out

Answer: b) 1990


This famous wall was responsible for separating East and West Germany. Named after a city in Germany. It fell in 1989, Name this wall.  

Answer: Berlin Wall


In Red Oak we have a resident that is known for his career as an NHL athlete back in his Hay Day. He played on the Maple Leafs team and the Boston Bruins Team

Answer: Jim Morrison
