Words in Frankenstein
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This mode of transportation first used steam power to travel along rails. Now, many of them are electric.

What is a train?


'Collegium' means 'college' in this dead language, an ancestor to Romanian.

What is Latin?


𝄢 is a symbol used to specify the pitch of notes on a staff. Pitched lower than treble, this clef is used in instruments like the cello and timpanum.

What is Bass Clef? / What is F Clef?


This capital, molded along the Seine, is composed only of a golf word used as a baseline for scores and the third person singular conjugation of the verb 'to be'.

Where is Paris?


This shiny-domed superintendent fosters a culture of love.

Who is Luvelle Brown?


This wooden post, alongside garlic, sunlight and holy water is used to kill a mythical drinker of blood.

What is a stake?


'Theekopje' means 'tea cup' in this language, a primary language of Suriname.

What is Dutch?


This repetitive, timekeeping device gets its name from the greek word for 'measure' and 'law'.

What is a metronome?


This country, containing the shortened forms of 'University (British)', 'Theodore', and 'Statistic', is home to roughly 330 million people.

Where is the United States?


This teacher, after Matthew Prokosch left, became the only teacher in the school to teach a sophomore AP history class.

Who is Peter Kelly?


This pejorative noun is used to describe a pungent person, place or thing. This word will illicit a 'joke' so overdone I expect everyone to use this word to describe it.

What is a stinker?


'Uisce' means 'water' in this Indo-European Language.

What is Irish Gaelic?


This song, popularized by TikTok is the most streamed song on Spotify with over 4 billion streams. The artist often cites Prince and Michael Jackson as influences.

What is Blinding Lights?



The largest city in Chile, this capital is contains an active prefix meaning 'against' and a word used to signify an amount of time in the past.

Where is Santiago?


This AP Chemistry teacher farms beets and carrots in his spare time. For his job, he yells at students if they titrate too fast.

Who is Robert Tuori?


This verb, meaning to hold back, is also used in music and poetry to describe a repeated phrase.

What is refrain?



[Anglicized Kachhua'] is the word for 'turtle' in this language, drawing roots from both Persian and Sanskrit

What is Urdu?


This English Folk song was allegedly named after the stains on a gown after 'rolling around in the grass' or after the color of 'lightness and love'. This song was not written by King Henry VIII.

What is Greensleeves?


This country, colonized by Britain, contains a dialect linguists have dubbed 'singlish'. It contains both a word meaning 'to make musical sounds with one's voice' as well as a word meaning 'to be absorbed in the study of'.

Where is Singapore?


This teacher, sharing both a name and job of the coach from Mean Girls, rocks a shiny dome, and brags when he gets it polished.

Who is Mr. Carr?


This superlative adjective describes someone who is the most direct and honest. The root of this superlative is a homonym of a synonym for hotdog.

What is frankest?

'ሰላም ለናንተ ይሁን' [Anglicized 
'selami lenanite yihuni'] 

means 'peace be with you' in this Semitic language. It is the second most spoken mother tongue after Oromo in the only country where this language is official.

What is Amharic?


Bertholt Brecht and Hanns Eisler thought they were really clever inventing this 'alternative' to music. Describing it as "extremely close to the people", this 'alternative' emphasized irregularity and persistence.

What is "misuc"?


This Eastern European country contains the synonym for 'elderly' and has a capital in Chisinau.

Where is Moldova?


This IHS principal shares a first name with a mythological figure who leads the argonauts.

Who is Jason Trumble?
