Obligatory Halloween Category
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Obscure Sonic Lore
Not What You Think

In early production the movie Scream was going to be named this. Eventually, a horror paraody movie series took the name instead.

What is Scary Movie?


This species of animal is the only living relative to giraffes.

What is an okapi?


Pinkie Pies special ability that allows her to avoid immediate danger.

What is Pinkie Sense?


Amy Rose's weapon of choice.

What is a Hammer?


The first scary movie in this series depicts a mysterious figure in a Ghostface costume calling teenagers and killing them, until the film reveals a shocking twist about the killers identity.

What is Scary Movie?


This classic yet polarizing Halloween treat was first inventented in the year 1888 and originally called "Chicken Feed".

What is Candy Corn?


Sonny with a Chance is a Disney Channel sitcom that follows the misadventures of Sonny Munroe, a comedian who works on this in-universe sketch comedy show which eventually became a real series in our world.

What is So Random!?


This body of water in the Everfree Forest has the ability to duplicate anypony who stands in front of it.

What is the mirror pool?


This Sonic villain is immortal so long as he keeps a chaos emerald lodged in his chest.

Who is Mammoth Mogul?


In this classic sci-fi series, a young boy on a dessert planet learns to wield a strange power and eventually topples the evil emperor that controls the known universe.

What is Dune?


The infamous serial killer Michael Myers is known for his slow walk speed, ruthless murders, and his iconic mask, which was made from a real mask modeled after this Star Trek character.

Who is James T. Kirk?


This Canadian Church is well known for their elaborate musicals depicting the crucifixion of Jesus through the lens of popular movies.

What is the Church of the Rock?


The secret identity of the vigilante Mare Do Well.

Who are Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity?


Sonics signature move in which we runs so fast that his feet and legs make the shape of a sideways 8.

What is the Figure-Eight Peel-Out?


After his father died saving him, this lion cub grows and takes on the mantle of king.

Who is Kimba?


Famous gothic film maker Tim Burton filled this role for the film crew of a stop motion animated film about a creepy take over of Decembers most popular holiday.

What is a producer?


This coin printed for monetery use is noted as having the lowest face value of any coin made by the U.S. Government.

What is a half cent?


This pony is the official time keeper of Ponyville and his name is a refrence to a popular BBC TV show.

Who is Dr. Hooves?


Knuckles the Echidna was the host for the fourth coming of this chaos demigod.

Who is Enerjax?


This tabletop game is played using a tower made of blocks with three on each level alternating from horizontal to vertical orientation between the levels. The objective is centered around taking blocks from the tower without knocking it over.

What is Uno Stacko?


Stingy Jack, who's folk tale may be the origin of the jack-o'-lantern, was cursed to walk the Earth with an ember inside this plant as his only light, never being allowed to enter Heaven or Hell. This was his punishment for imprisoning the Devil twice and generally being unpleasent to be around.

What is a Turnip?


The counter force to Pennywise the Clown who takes the form of a giant turtle.

Who is Maturin?


The child of Pinky Pie and Cheese Sandwich, the character voiced by Weird Al Yankovic.

Who is Lil' Cheese?


This Sonic video game was SEGAs answer to the popular Mario Party series. 

What is Sonic Shuffle?


This 4th Generation My Little Pony villain is a chaotic manipulator and reality warper. They are characterized by their long body that is made of many different animals.

Who is Cosmos?
