All about NewHope
Coping Skills
Self Confidence/Self Esteem
Interacting with others

Who is the therapy dog and what breed is she?

Fenway, bernese mountain dog


Name 3 specific and unique ways that could help you cope with being irritated?

ex: hang out in my room or car for 10 minutes, call my friend, lift weights, punch a pillow...)


What are 1 or 2 habits you have that negatively impact your self confidence?

ex: seek other people's validation to support decision making, rather than going with my gut 

allowing others feelings about me affect how I feel about myself


There is a new student in your class, what would be the best way to introduce yourself? What would be a negative way?

Go up and say "hi, my name is.... what is your name?" "Let me know if there is anything I can help you with!"

Yell across the room "Hey you...why did you get sent here?"


Explain square/box breathing and show your peers how it works

Breathe in for 4 seconds

Hold for 4 seconds

Breathe out for 4 seconds

Wait 4 seconds, then repeat as many times as needed


What are all the animals we have in the building?




bearded dragon 



True or False:

Crying is a good coping skill...and why?

True! Crying is our  body's natural response to distress. Crying starts an important chain reaction in your body that helps reduce your emotional discomfort and process whatever made you cry. Avoiding crying can cause problems by interrupting your trauma/stress response cycle, resulting in emotional energy being stored until it bubbles up and explodes.


Name 1 or 2 things you do almost every day that helps you feel more confident

ex: wearing clothes that feel comfortable and flattering

listening to motivational podcasts


Name 3 things you would notice about a person that could reliably indicate that they are safe and trustworthy?

ex: consistent, don't make promises they cannot keep, they make you feel good about yourself, they take accountability and apologize, they are not aggressive, they are honest


How can you set a boundary with someone in a positive way?

First, identify your boundaries that you want to have 

Use "I" statements to get it across

Be okay with saying "no" if someone crosses your boundary 

Be consistent with your boundaries! 

You can always ask for support if someone keeps stepping over the line (support from your therapist, teacher, family member, etc)


What is the schools address?

3250 N Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60004


What are 3 things you can do to help reduce feelings of panic or rescue yourself from a panic attack? 

ex: temperature therapy-cold shower, ice cubes on wrist

talk to someone you can trust

weighted blanket on stomach and take deep breaths

square breathing 

cry and watch a positive movie to distract yourself


What are 3 ways you can boost your self esteem?

Challenge unkind thoughts about yourself

Practice saying no

Avoid comparing yourself to others

Do something nice for yourself

Looking in the mirror every morning and telling myself 2-5 things I like about myself (physical and/or personality and/or hobbies, etc)


What is a good way to de-escalate a situation that has become a heated argument...without sacrificing your boundaries?

ex: stop listening to respond. Listen to understand!

Repeat what you think they are upset about to make sure you both are on same page

validate feelings (you do not need to agree with someone to validate their feelings)


List 5 things you can control and 5 things you cannot control

Can: my thoughts, my reactions, my choices, asking for help, my behavior, my boundaries, my actions

Cannot: other people's thoughts/behaviors/reactions/feelings/actions, the weather, mistakes that others make, the past


Name the east therapists and what office they are in 

Hannah: office U

Hendessa: office Y

Chloe: office V

Danielle: office Q


Why do coping skills not always work?

Coping skills are learned behaviors. You need to try different skills across different situations to figure out what works best for you. It is okay to be patient! 


How can school help build your self-esteem/confidence? List at least 3 things

Getting good grades

Telling yourself you are proud of you

Receiving positive feedback from a teacher and/or peer

Learning something new each day

Making a new friend


What is a boundary, why does it matter, and how do you protect your boundaries?

a rule about how I want to be treated

I want to feel safe and respected in all of my relationships 

I do not spend time with or give energy to people or situations that violate my boundaries


Give a bad example of not thinking through a situation and the result

Now flip it into a more positive thought process/result

I walked into the cafeteria and saw my friends start to laugh. I thought to myself, "wow they must be laughing at me, and now they obviously hate me". I go over there and immediately start yelling at them

I walked into the cafeteria and saw my friends start to laugh. I thought to myself, "wow I bet that Suzie just told a funny joke. She always does" I go over there and they start explaining the was funny!


Name the Wednesday late start schedule, times included (from when students arrive)

mentor: 10:00-10:15 

period 3: 10:15-11:00 

period 1: 11:00-11:29 

period 2: 11:29-11:58 

mentor lunch: 11:58-12:30 

period 4: 12:30-12:59 

period 5: 12:59-1:28 

period 6: 1:28-1:57 

period 8:1:57-2:25 


Name 5 coping skills you can use at school

deep breathing



playing with a fidget 

ask for a break 

positive thoughts 


What is the difference between self confidence and self esteem?

Self-confidence is a person's attitude about their abilities and skills. It involves having a sense of control in life, accepting and trusting oneself, and having a positive view of oneself. People with self-confidence are also able to set realistic goals and expectations, communicate assertively, and handle criticism. 

Self-esteem is a person's sense of self-worth and appreciation, which can change and develop over time based on life experiences and interactions with others. 


What is a good way to respond/act around someone who you do not like, but have to be around? (ex: boss, co-worker, teacher, peer, etc.)

Say rude comments in my head because no one can read my mind

Fake a smile

Not say more than necessary 

Take a break if needed to get some space away from them


Name a coping skill for each letter of the alphabet

A: art

B: bath

C: count from 0-30

D: deep breathing

E: exercise

F: find a safe space

G: give thanks/gratitude

H: hug a stuffed animal/family member/friend

I: identify current emotions

J: journal

K: keep being kind to myself

L: listen to music 

M: move my body (ex: dancing)

N: no to negative thoughts (challenge them)

O: observe nature/5 senses

P: puzzle

Q: quiet time

R: read

S: stretch, swim

T: take a walk

U: use a fidget toy

V: visualize a happy place 

W: watch a funny video/show/movie

X: xbox (or other appropriate video games)

Y: yoga

Z: zzzzzzzzz *sleep*
