Who is Eve
Mother of the world
Who is Mary
Mother Of Jesus Christ
Who is on top of the temples
Angel moroni
Who is our current profit of the church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints
Russel M.Nelson
Porque de tal manera amo Dios al mundo Que ha dado a su Hijo —————-para Que todo aquel Que en el Cree no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
Who is Sarah
Abrahams first wife
Who is the apostle that betrayed Jesus
what are the names of Nephis brothers who were against him
Layman and Lemuel
Who is the first counselor of the current profit
Dallin H.Oaks
Mas _________ primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os seran añadidas.
Who is Moses
profit who received the Ten Commandments from god
What is the Name of John the baptist mother
Who was the first profit in the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith
Who is the second counselor of our current profit
Henry B Eyring
No _________, porque yo estoy contigo, no ________ , porque yo soy tu Dios Que te fortalezco; siempre te ayudare; siempre te sustentare con la diestra de mi justicia
Who is Rebecca
Jacob’s wife
How many days did Jesus pray and fast
Who lost the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris
Who is our bishop
Gilbert Herrera
Y sucedio Que yo, Nefi, dive a mi Padre: Ire y hare lo Que el señor ha ____________, porque se Que el nunca da ________________ a los hijos de los hombres sin _________________ una via para Que cumplan lo Que les ha mandado.
Who is Ruth
Great Grandmother of King David
who gave the order to have Jesus crucified
pontius Pilate
where did Bringham Young lead Joseph Smiths followers after he died
Salt Lake City Utah
Who is our young women president
Milks Rubalcava
Y sucedio Que hubo muchos oyeron las ___________ Que Samuel el lamanita hablo desde las ___________ de la cuidad. Y cuantos creyeron en su palabra fueron y buscaron a Nefi; y cuando fueron y lo hallaron, le _________ sus pecados y no negaron, deseando ser___________ en el señor.