Soft Skills
Soft Skills 2
Advice please?
Famous Failures

the mindset that you can learn and improve

What is Growth Mindset?


A group of people working together for a common goal

What is teamwork?


I am always late. What can I do to help me be punctual?

Set an alarm, Plan ahead, Avoid Distractions...


After being cut from his high school basketball team, he went home locked himself in his room and cried.

Who is Michael Jordan?


Having a conversation to reach an agreement

What is Negotiation


Communication style: I win - You Win

What is Assertive Communication?


I am wearing a tank top, shorts, and crocs to my interview tomorrow at the bank. Is this a good idea?

No. You are underdressed for any interview. It is unprofessional and they will think you arent going to take the job seriously. 


He wasn't able to speak until he was almost 4 years old and his teachers said he would "never amount to much"

Who is Albert Einstein


Makes up MOST of communication... Body Language, Tone, Words?

What is Body language?


Eye contact, a smile, nodding when someone is speaking are all types of ________

what is Non-verbal communication  (will also accept body language)


Should I tell my interviewer how bad my last boss as? Why or why not?

No, you appear negative and unprofessional. It can make potential employers wary of hiring you, as they may worry you will do the same about them in the future.


Was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she... "Wasn't fit for television."

Who is Oprah?


Putting yourself in another person's shoes - seeing their point of view

What is Empathy?


Evaluate a problem to get an answer.

What is problem solving/critical thinking


When I started my job at the coffee shop, I told the boss I preferred to work mornings rather than evenings so you can take classes at night. I also told them that I wanted no more than four weekend days per month. Every time the schedule is released, it seems like she didn't hear my requests or doesnt care. What should I do?

Ask her about it. Remind her of your agreement and ask if there is anyway that they could accomidate your schedule some. 


Rejected by Decca Recording studios, who said "we don't like their sound"... "They have no future in show business"

Who are the Beatles?


Prioritizing, removing distractions, overcoming procrastination

What are Time Management tips?


Refers to the differences related to ethnicity, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, abilities, etc.

What is diversity?


I just started a job at McDonalds 6 weeks ago. During a busy, stressful rush of people after the high school football game, your boss loses his temper and yells, “I can’t believe you’ve been here over a month and that’s as fast as you can move?! Come on! People are waiting!” What should I do? Why?

Stay calm, acknowledge your boss's frustration, and focus on working efficiently during the rush. Afterward, consider speaking privately with your boss to discuss how you can improve and express how the situation made you feel


A teacher told him he was... "Too stupid to learn anything" and that he should go into a field where he might succeed by virtue of his pleasant personality.

Who is Thomas Edison?
