Smart Choices
Dumb Choices
Social Skills
Everyday Safety
Health & Well-Being

You're at a party and someone you don't know offers you an unknown drink. What is your next move?

Politely say "No thanks!"


You're running late for school with no breakfast, what might happen next?

You'll be running late for class and won't be able to focus in class!

Someone is peer pressuring you. What do you say?

Be direct with them that you aren't comfortable with. Suggest an alternative if necessary 

You're at a football game and get lost in the crowd and can't find your friends/parents. What should you do?

Stay calm, look for security/staff, contact your friends/parents


You want to buy an unhealthy snack at your school store. Are you or are you not buying it and why?

It is unhealthy, not nutritional, not get you throughout the day. Should stick to healthy alternative snacks like apple slices or trail mix

You've been saving up your money for a bike that you need for transportation. However, a new game just came out that you've been waiting for. What are you doing in this situation?

Evaluate your priorities (do you really need this game?) & set a budget (know how to save up for the next purchase)


You forgot your laptop and notebook at home. How might this affect you and what should you do next time in the future?

Missing out on participating in class, forgetting your hw, etc. Make sure to double-check your backpack before you leave for school!


You have an argument with your friend on text about something unnecessary. What do you do?

Confront them about the situation, and resolve it by finding solutions where you can both meet in the middle, and apologize


Your friends invited you to go biking in the neighborhood at night but you don't have safety lights on your bike. What are you doing?

Say no to going. It is dangerous to bike at night without any safety lights. Make sure for next time to get safety lights for your bike


You're feeling stressed, what are some ways to calm down?

Free Response Answer (ex: take a relaxing bath, watch a movie, take a walk, etc)


You have problems with being on your phone, distracting you from getting things done throughout the day. What should you do?

Try to put screen time on your phone. Give yourself time to be on your phone as a reward after each task. 


You missed doing your laundry this week. What happens? What should you do to resolve this issue for next time?

You don't have enough clothes to wear for the whole week. Keep up with a set schedule (time/day) to do your laundry


You feel that your social battery is down at a party. What are you doing?

You shouldn't feel obligated to converse. Make sure you're okay by taking a break from the crowd. Indulge in light conversations. Know when to leave the room


You're home alone and hear a strange noise outside. What do you do?

Contact a family member or a trusted adult/neighbor


You want to go to the gym to exercise by are too nervous to go by yourself, what should you do?

Ask a friend to join you


You have a project due tomorrow that you forgot about. What is your next move? 

Try to keep calm from panicking, and organize your schedule to focus on the project

You realize you've been slacking with keeping up with chores and schoolwork. Why might this have happened?

Lack of discipline: time management, organization, prioritizing self-wants over needs


Your friend is feeling down, what do you do?

Check in on them to ensure they're okay, and listen to what they have to say! (be their emotional support)


You get injured during Gym/PE, what are you doing?

Ask for help or assistance from a peer or adult

How do you cope when you feel sad?

Free response: (ex: give yourself a break, indulge in your favorite snacks, allow yourself to acknowledge your feelings)


You are eager to take a nap after school but you have so much homework to complete. What do you do?

Give yourself time to take a short nap (15-30 minutes) before doing assignments or motivate yourself to complete homework!


You're playing video games until the next morning on a school night. What happens next?

Falling asleep or losing concentration in class


You come across a person you want to become friends with at school. How will you accomplish this?

Spark a conversation (ex: a compliment or open-ended questions & share something about yourself)


You're walking home alone and you find out someone is following you. What do you do?

Change your route (see if they're still following you), find a well-lit area, stay alert, call a trusted adult


You're struggling with maintaining a healthy diet with your busy schedule. What are you doing?

Meal Prep with healthy alternatives, choose healthy snacks, stay hydrated 
