What is Baptism
When you are entered into the church
Who's favorite saint is Saint Lucy
Shirley and Giuliette
Who's favorite food is Sushie
Our Father
"Our Father..."
What is First Penance
Sins committed after Baptism are forgiven
Who's favorite saint is Saint Nick
Who's favorite food is Pomagranate seeds
Hail Mary
"Hail Mary full of grace.."
What is the Sacrament of Eucharist
When you recieve the body and blood of christ
Who's favorite saint is Saint Peter
Owen and Isaac
Who's favorite food is buttered noodles
Apostles' Creed
"I believe in God.."
What is Confirmation
When you are accepted into the church as an adult
Who's favorite saint is Sebastion
Who's favorite food is Chicken Nuggets
Act of Contrition
"Oh my God I am.."
What is the Anointing of the Sick
A priest anoints a seriously ill or elderly person with holy oil, offering prayers for healing, strength, and spiritual comfort.
Who's favorite saint is Saint Joseph
Who's favorite food is Clams
Grace before meals
"Bless us, O Lord.."