586 BCE
Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians
A+E, Noah, Abraham
The person Jesus raises from the dead
unclean father of david
messy jesse
son of Abraham
Group of people who have made promises to God
Levite appearance, stranger beat up, Samaritan helps
stranger beat up, Levite passes by, Samaritan helps
Who was the principal witness of Jesus' resurrection?
A woman
Would not include this detail if they were going to make up a story, because women were seen as unreliable at the time
early morning + non-synoptic gospel
dawn John
70 CE
Destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans
Process of editing and compiling texts for the bible
3 temptations:
worship devil, turn rocks to bread, jump off temple
rocks to bread, jump off temple, worship devil
Why was the story about the Resurrection of Jesus so shocking to a first century Jewish audience?
They thought resurrection would be at the end of time, not the middle of history
Either a resuscitation of a corpse or something more cosmic (shining star)
Jesus refers to himself as this to show his humanity and to show his messianic identity + soup packaging
son of man can
There is a battle against the Amalekites, Saul was instructed by the prophet Samuel to destroy the Amalekites completely, but he failed, thus falling out of favor with God
The Israelites conquered Canaan led by Moses after leaving Egypt, 'the promised land'
Last supper, Ponitus Pilate, crucified
Last supper, Ponitus Pilate, crucified
Lazarus' siblings
Martha + Mary
newly harvested + "word becomes ____"
fresh flesh
A king who established the covenant and will never be broken, justice and righteousness forevermore
High Christology
Emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus over his humanity
Babylon Exile, Jeremiah, Isaiah
Jeremiah, Babylon Exile, Isaiah
Can a scientist believe in resurrection?
Yes → faith transcends reason
Sarah's inability to have children + brother of Moses
barren Aaron
Major city under King David, capital of Judah, central place of worship