Name the Bursar
Dan Youngblood
Name who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Name an employee that has a dog.
Jerene or Cassie
Student has a question about their federal loan, who do you direct them to?
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Name the coffee shop in the campus center (not starbucks)
Caribou Coffee
How many bursar only employees do we have?
What does "www" stand for in a website browswer?
world wide web
Name an employee who has worked at more than one campus?
Name the building that is connected to the campus center?
Cavanaugh Hall (CA)
How many IU campuses are there?
Name the bursar employee that have been here the longest?
What is the earth's largest continent?
Name an employee who is not from Indiana?
Tell us what MSEP stands for!
Midwest student exchange program
What was the year IUPUI was founded?
What is your supervisors title? (Danielle)
Team Lead, Customer Services
How many hearts does an Octopus have?
Name an employee who has been to Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia?
How many mascots do we have and their names?
Jinx, Jawz, Jazzy
How many students are enrolled at IU Indianapolis? (This number is coming from fall 2023).
What is the room number for the phone room at LV?
Name two countries that allow taking a nap during work.
Italy & Spain
Name an employee whose favorite food is cheese cake?
Finish these lyrics
It was 1820
When she was born
And raised up in the cool shade
Of those old sycamores
She saw a nation growing,
Then torn apart
And rebuilt even stronger
With the crossroads at its heart
Indiana, Indiana, we're all for you