When year was Kyra born?
Whose middle name is Cameron
What high school did Kris and Cathyrn attend?
What is Mount Saint Mary's?
What is Kieth's favorite football team?
Where was Kris and Cathryn born?
What grade was Jack in when we moved to Chatham
What is Pre-K?
Middle name of Garrett
Who is Stu?
What university did Uncle Sean Graduate from?
what is Holy Cross?
Who is Sean?
Where did Stu and Kris get married?
What is Australia?
What year did Stu and Kris get married?
What is 2005?
What is 3 people?
What was the name of the Preschool Jack and Brennan attended?
What is First Pres?
What is Barneget Bay?
where did jack go for his 5th birthday?
What is Paris?
the year did Kyra moved across the country
when was 2013?
How do you spell the name of the person who graduated from Georgetown?
What is M-E-G-H-A-N?
What school did Jack and Kyra go to at the same time?
What is Washington Avenue School?
What postition did Kieth play in highschool football?
What part of Punta Cana was the house where we had the wedding in the Dominican Republic
The country that is connected to where Keith and Cathyrn got married.
What is Haiti?
Who shares the same middle name as a babysitter's name for the boys?
Who is Kyra?
Who set multiple school records for swimming?
Who is Sean?
Who shares the same birthday as one of their cousins
Who is Jack?
What carribean country did Aunt Kathy spend time in during college?
What is the Dominican Republic?