What must you always have selected when you first login to five9?
What number Pod are we and what is the total amount of pod members we have?
Pod 15 & 9
What does CRM stand for?
Customer Relationship Manager
What must a consumer be on in order to be a part of CDPAP.
what is a consumer-consumer
A medical assistance recipient who a social services district has determined eligible to participate in the consumer directed personal assistance program.
What would you select from the Five9 Dashboard?
When can I start working with PPL?
Our customer support center will officially be open on January 6th to start transitioning consumers and personal assistants who are already in the program.
What happens If Questions/Inquiries cannot be answered?
the Email will be converted into a Case to obtain the response from leadership.
Where are Emails from perspective clients with questions regarding NY CDPAP will be sent to?
what is EVV stand for? What is the definition?
Electronic Visit Verification- A system used to track caregiver's visits, often required by Medicaid to verify service delivery.
What should you do prior to transferring a caller to a supervisor?
You should create a case and assign it to Escalation Management.
Have you reviewed the new line added to the FAQ sheet?
What is it about?
When would the CSA Convert an Email to a Case?
If CS is responding to a question or inquiry and can’t locate the appropriate response to a question or inquiry from the FAQs,
What are the 7 MCO Roles and Responsibilities?
1) Eligibility
2) Assessments & Reassessments
3) Plan of care
4) Auth
5) Notifications
6) Termination
7) Transitions
What does CDPAP stand for? What is CDPAP?
CDPAP stands for the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program. This is a Medicaid program in New York State that lets people who need home care choose, hire, and manage their own caregivers. More information on the program can be found here:
What should you not do when Transferring Calls To Supervisors?
•You should not wait longer than 20 minutes for a supervisor when attempting to transfer a caller.
•You should NOT transfer bilingual calls to the supervisor line. Instead, they should:
•Create an Escalation Case in CRM.
•Assign it to the escalation queue.
•Send an email to the escalation team at cs-escteam@PPLfirst.com for a bilingual callback.
How do you request time off 2 weeks in advance?
All planned time off (time off requests for a date more than two (2) weeks in the future)) must be submitted via this Microsoft Forms link: Time Off Request Form
What do the email Topics include?
Transition Specific, Enrollment Specific, Pay Rate Specific, Eligibility, Program Related, FI Inquiry, Other
what is Time4Care ?
Time4Care EVV Mobile App is tailor-made for self-directed home care programs.
Consumers will call PPL to inquire about how to enroll into the NY CDPAP. What are the three broken down stages?
1) Assessment
2) Consumer forms
3) Selection of caregiver?
what should you do with bilingual calls?
•Create an Escalation Case in CRM.
•Assign it to the escalation queue.
•Send an email to the escalation team at cs-escteam@PPLfirst.com for a bilingual callback.
How do you request immediate time off?
CSAs must email their supervisor with the time off request.
what template do you select for Follow up Responses?
Use the ‘NY CDPA Continued Follow Up template?
What is the new title placed on the NY CDPAP FAQ sheet?
Can a PA use their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) instead of a Social Security Number (SSN) when completing required forms?
CDPAP applicants must complete a series of forms as part of the application process. What two forms are required?
1) DOH Form (Physician's Order)
2) PCP Transfer Form