3856 x 844=?
What is 3,254,464?
This long, metal stick is used to hit "bangers".
What is a baseball bat?
This area features two medical schools, one veterinary school, two nursing schools, and two law schools. It is the site of the Michigan State Capitol, the state Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals.
What is Lansing?
This president implemented a strong, well-financed national government while remaining impartial in a fierce rivalry that emerged between cabinet members Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. During the French Revolution, he proclaimed a policy of neutrality while sanctioning the Jay Treaty.
Who is George Washington?
The element with the sign of Na, and has an atomic number of 11. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal.
What is sodium?
A construction crew is building a rectangular garden with a perimeter of 120 feet, where the length is twice the width. If they want to add a 5-foot wide concrete pathway around the entire garden, what will be the total area of the pathway, including the area of the garden itself?
What are 2,205 square feet?
NFL's statistical office recorded these under the term "dumping the passer".
What is a sack?
This state was a site of early English colonization. The Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims of the Mayflower. In 1630, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, taking its name from the Indigenous people, also established settlements in Boston and Salem.
What is Massachusetts?