How many sons did Prophet Yaqoob have?
What is "12"
Name three surahs named after animals.
What is "Surah Al Naml, Baqarah, Nahl"
Which prophet gave us the name "Muslim"
What is "Prophet Ibrahim (AS)"
Of the miracles of the Prophet (AS), list 3.
What is "Quran, splitting the moon, clouds shading as he walked, perspiration smelling like musk, dust covering eyes of enemies, animals making more milk, stones and trees making salam to him, water gushing from his fingers etc..."
When Qabil murdered his brother, what what the animals that taught him how to bury him?
What is "a crow/raven"
Which animal was Musa (AS) told to place his hand on and he would be granted as many years of life as the number of hair covered by his hand. (Sahih)
What is "an ox"
Which surah has two prostrations?
What is "surah Al Hajj"
What were the tyrants of Thamud famous for?
What is "carving buildings out of rocks"
What was the name of Khadija (RA)'s cousin who was a priest?
What is "Waraqah"
What is the first living soul ever created?
What is "Jibreel (AS)"
This prophet was the first to be introduced to disbelievers.
What is "Nuh (AS)"
Name 2 surahs where "Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem" is an ayah
What is "Surah al Fatiha and Surah Al Naml"
What are the names of the four Scholars of Islam?
What is " As-Shafe'e, Abu Haneefah, Malik and Hambal"
What does the name "Muhammad" mean?
What is "the most praised"
What is the first takbeer in prayer called
What is "Takbeer al Ihram"
What is the name of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)'s father?
What is "Aazar"
Which surah in the Qur'an is named after an Israelite Prophet who was sent to Iraq about 800 BC for the guidance of the Assyrians
What is "Surah Yunus"
Which Prophet was put to sleep for 100 years?
What is "Uzair (AS)"
What is "Qaswa"
Which surah in the Qur'an contains the first ayah that was revealed where Muslims are commanded to bow down in sujud and both muslim and non-muslim prostrated.
What is "surah Al Najm"
What is "Qaroon"
What is "Ghafir, Faatir,and Rahman"
Which leader of the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople at the age of 21?
What is "Mehmed Al Fatih"
What was the favourite food of Prophet Muhammad and classified as the "best of all dishes" (AS)
What is "tharid"
What is the distance between two heavens?
What is "500 years"