what does bcc mean in a email
blind carbon copy
what does interpersonal communication mean
is the exchange of information between two or more people
time management definition
is a act of planning or organizing
who is the king in Fortnite
what does cc mean
carbon copy
what are the relationship types at work
supeior, coworker, customer
benefits of time management
direct counter to procrastination
what is the recent collaboration in Fortnite
skibidi toilet
what should you do at the end of an email
call to action or signature
what does ingratiation mean in business
which occurs when an employee acts warm and friendly
steps for time managements
set goals, prioritize goals, time each task, adjust plans, revisit goals, observe results
what is massive
low taper fade
what should you do in the subject line
gist of the email
what does gate keeping mean
when some but not all information is passed
what are the 4 quadrants for time managements
1. urgent and important, 2. not urgent but not important, 3. urgent but not important, 4. not urgent and not important
what season are we in
OG Fortnite
what is a recipient line
where email addresses or who the email is sent to
what does general distortion
the message is changes to serve the subordinates purposes
why manage time
increasing productivity
when was Fortnite created