Most famous sport in the world
Soccer / futbol
Movie we just watched in class
Peli que acabmos de mirar en clase
What is home alone
Ultima unidad que hicimos
Hero's journey
Viaje de heroe
Logo is a "M"
Marca es un "M"
ocean to our east
Oceano a nuestro este
The atlantic
Famous basketball player - is a meme
jugador de basketball famosos - es un meme
Lebron James
Last Movie with ironman and the rest of the avengers
Ultima Pelicula con ironman y el resto de los avengers
Pyramid to study parts of a story
Piramido que utilizabamos para estudar los parte de una historia
Oceano al oeste de noramerica
Ocean to the west of North America
winner of last superbowl
Ganador de la ultima superbowl
Movie where they destroy a ring
Peli donde intentan destuir un anillo
Lord of the rings
El senor del anillo
A fairy tale that changes from the og one
fractured fairytale
Have CFA sauce
chick fil a
Montana mas alta del mundo
Soccer team based in Manchester UK
Equipo de futbol basado en Manchester R.U.
Manchester United
Movie based of shakespear we will watch later this year
Peli basado en un libro por shakeqpear que miraremos luego este ano
Romeo y Juliet
What does the B. in ms. B's name stand for
Country where papusas are from
El salvador
Rio mas largo del mundo
Longest river in the world
Nile / nilo
Old name for NFL team in Houston Texas
Nombre Viejo para equpio de futbol basado en Houston Texas
Houseton Oilers
Xavier's favorite movie
"No tengo"
Main character in harry potter movie
harry potter
Recently bought by Blackrock
Comprado por Blackrock recientamente
Jersey mikes
biggest desert in the world
Desierto mas grande del mundo
El antartico