who was the fifth president of the united states
James Monroe
what street is SAR on
one who is really smart might have a degree in this study
quantum rizzics
What is 23
best haiku gets the points
you have 2 minutes
What is the most populous gas in our atmosphere
What exit is taken to get off of the highway
exit 22
what are the big 3 rizzlegions
judirizzm, chrizztianity, and rizzlam
One sec I have to get something
whoever talks first loses 200 points (and is gay) (I'm not included in this)
best inspirational quote gets the points
you have 1 minute
what does a bicentennial commemorate
200 year anniversary
the GW bridge is off of what exit
exit 14
one living in tennessee might be a fan of this team
the memphis rizzlies
roll a d6
+400 if odd
-300 if even
-100 if you choose not to play
choose wisely
best drawing of a bird with a flamethrower wins
you have 2 minutes
what is i25
What are the two paths that can be taken off of the highway exit
riverdale avenue and fieldston road
serious black is the name of this wanted criminal
the prizzioner of azkaban
First place loses 400 or last place gets 400
you decide
best meme gets the points
you have 3 minutes
What are the four groups of instruments
woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion
How much is the fare to cross the bridge from manhattan to the bronx for a driver with an EZ-pass
who is Christian Joseph
The Rizzler
Hope you remember!
You have a drawer with 40% red socks and 60% blue socks. 30% of the red socks have stripes and 65% of blue socks have stripes. Suppose you reach your hand in the drawer and pull out a sock with no stripes, what is P(it is a red sock). (round to 2 decimal places)
best lookalike/name soundalike wins
this box was empty, but now it isn't! (also 3 minutes)