This logo of brand has a G with four colors.Red,Yellow,Green,and Blue.What is the brand?
What part of a sentence is the person,place,or thing
What part of a sentence is the person,place,or thing?
Who was the first president of the U.S?
George Washington
Who painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo Da Vinci
This brand is the #1 shoe brand in the world.What is the brand?
The Grand Canyon is in what state?
This type of figurative language uses the words like or as.What is this type of figurative language?
How many pawns are there in Chess?
16 total or 8 on one side
This company almost sells everything from a-z and the logo has an arrow under it.
a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.What type of thing is this definition talking about?
A River
Adverbs end in what two letters?
When is independence day in america?
July 4th
Where did the Grinch live,in the movie,The Grinch
What brand features the I phone?
How many people live in the U.S.A as of 2024?
If you had the word berry,how would you make it plural?What is the plural form of berry?
Drop the y and add the -ies.Berries
How many colonies were there in the United States?
Why do Onions burn your eyes?
The sulfur/sulfuric acid
Where is Louis Vitton from?
What is the capital of Morocco?
Who wrote Harry Potter?
J.K Rowling
On October 14, 1912 which president survived a gunshot during his speech?
Franklin D Roosevelt
Who was the Ancient Greek God of the Sun?