Double "O"
The 1920s
European Countries
Video Games
Exotic pets

This farm animal is famous for its noise despite its size

What is a rooster?


This music, popularized in the 1920s, originated in New Orleans

What s jazz?


This large European country has requested membership to the EU despite a portion of the country being in Asia

What is Turkey?


In this video game with almost 50 million copies sold contains 4 ghosts as its antagonists

What is Pac-Man?


This animal, native to Oceania, is illegal only in California, Alaska, and Hawaii

What is a sugar glider?


This 3-etter word is another way to say bathroom or toilet 

What is a loo?


On jut the 17th day of the 1920s this substance was banned

What is alcohol?


This country is not only the smallest in Europe, but in the entire world

What is Vatican City?


This iconic video game was first created in 1972 thanks to a co-founder of Atari and iterations are still popular today

What is Pong?


In Wisconsin, West Virginia and South Carolina you can own these Australian creatures however they are very hard to get and need very large amounts of land to live. 

What are kangaroos?


This 15-letter word with 4 o's is defined as "one who searches for and studies animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated"

What is a cryptozoologist?


This device, found in nearly every American home was invented by Philo Farnsworth in 1927

What is the electronic television?


San Marino, the 5th smallest country in the world is surrounded entirely by this other Europea nation

What is Italy?


This video game was once the most popular of all time until its title was stolen by Minecraft in 2019

What is Tetris?


These animals, technically a kind of dog native to Africa and Arabia, are uncommon but legal pets on several states including Illinois are called Vulpes zerda, or more commonly, _______

What are Fennec foxes?


This compound word is defined as a spoon intermediate in size between a teaspoon and a tablespoon for use in eating dessert 

What is a dessertspoon?


This was invented by Earle Dickson as something to help his wife in the kitchen, today over 100 billion have been made

What is the Band-Aid?


This country has the highest GDP of any country in Europe

What is Germany?


Ironically the oldest video game is "_____ for Two" and is the digital recreation of a sport traditionally played outside

What is Tennis for Two?


In Hawaii it is illegal to own this not so exotic animal which is the most popular retile to have as a pet in the United States

What is a bearded dragon?


A famous battle, the namesake of towns in Iowa, Illinois, New York, and 27 other towns in the United States

What is Waterloo?


This actress made 15 movies in 1925 alone and was the inspiration for a Taylor Swift song

Who was Clara Bow?


This European country has 267,570 islands, over 5 times the amount Canada does

What is Sweden?


This game, most expensive video game to ever be created. It has raised over 700 million dollars, and the initial release has been pushed back 12 years to 2026

What is Star Citizen?


There are only 4 states with now laws regarding keeping wildcats as pets: Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, and _________, by far the furthest north of the four

What is Wisconsin?
