The name of the TV show that Miley Cyrus starred in as a child
Hannah Montana
The capital of Colorado
The city where Maria was born
Los Angeles
The name of Rapunzel's pet chameleon in Tangled
The only continent in the world known to be snake-free
This pop star was a competitive horseback rider until age 12
Taylor Swift
The capital of Georgia
Maria's middle name
The district that Katniss, Peeta and Gale come from in The Hunger Games
District 12
They can rotate their heads nearly 180 degrees, but cannot move their eyes.
She sang the lyrics, “I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath"
Katy Perry
The capital of Hawaii
The name of the town where Jack and Sally live in The Nightmare Before Christmas
Halloween Town
This well-known sea creature has the ability to clone itself
Camilla Caballo sang ‘Señorita’ with this artist
Shawn Mendes
The capital of Maryland
Maria's favorite color
He wrote the songs for Moana and Encanto
Lin Manuel Miranda
The 2-toed version of these can live up to 20 years
The name of Billie Eilish’s debut single
Ocean Eyes
The capital of Delaware
The last movie that Maria saw in a theatre
Moana 2
The flavor of Pop-Tarts that Buddy the Elf uses in his spaghetti in the movie Elf
This mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world.