What makes pages crumble?
What is the first video game made?
Tennis for two
My favorite color
Blue or Purple
What is the cutest cat type
Russian Blue
What are 2 ingredients that will make an explosion?
Coke and Menots/Baking Soda and Vinegar
How were books printed back in the ages of grandma barb.
They would print the design with a press.
What is the first nintendo game setup?
Nintendo Entertainment system
my favorite video game
Five Night's At Freddy's Sister Location
When were cats officially called pets
During the Sung Dynasty (960 – 1279)
What tempurature does water boil?
212 degress farenhieght
How do we make books currently?
it will be sent to a printer to be inked onto paper, glued or sewn together as a collection of pages, and bound into hardback or paperback copies
What is the first mario game?
Super Mario Bros
my favorite TV show?
The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aaravos
Who is the cutest cat we have
What Animal Is A Relative To Dinosaurs?
What is a book about jesus?
Holy bible
Who created video games?
Ralph Baer
my favorite cat
What is a tiger cat?
Syberian Cat.
How many years have dinosaurs been extinct?
65 million years ago
What is the oldest book written?
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Who likes video games the most in this household?
John or the cats. Or they just like touching the screen. Drives me nuts.
my favorite food
Is a catdog a cat or a dog
How hot does a human have to be to die
111.2 degress farenhieght