What is the Largest Planet in the Solar System
Who said "Vector, Oh yeah!"
Vector from despicable me.
What is the Capital of British Columbia
Which year did WWII start
Known for her love songs, this musician has won 14 Grammys
Taylor Swift
What is the farthest planet from the sun
Who said "Do or do not, there is no try."
What is our National Capital
Ottawa, Ontario
Which year did WWII end
With the most Grammys ever, this musician is married to Jay-Z
What is the process in which plants convert sunlight into energy?
I have a dream!
Martin Luther King Jr.
The Capital of Quebec
Quebec City
Name the Person who practically started WWII
Adolf Hitler
One of them most well known rappers of all time he was really famous in the 2000's
What are the three main parts of an atom called?
Neutrons, Protons, and Electrons
Toto! I've got a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore.
Wizard of Oz
This provincial capital in Canada means "Reigning Queen"
Regina {Saskatchewan}
Who was the prime minister of the U.K and had a big impact on WWII
Winston Churchill
Which composer made Ode to Joy
Ludwig van Beethoven
At what temperature does water start to boil?
212 fahrenheit
I found your lack of faith disturbing
Darth Vader
The Capital of the U.S.A
{ Hint: The Capital has a Hockey Team that proves it is the Capital }
Washington D.C {Capitals}
What was Hitler's attempt on annihilating the Jews called?
The Holocaust
Who made the masterpiece, "The Four Seasons"